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"Im falling for your eyes, but they don't know me yet." - Kiss Me


Dear You,

I just want to let you know not even for a second do I regret falling for you. You're practically the best reason in my life this moment to be happy. Even though you're not mine, seeing your small lips curl into a delicate smile makes my entire evening.

You might not know it at all but thanks for existing. I thank God that we crossed paths, I give thanks because for at least ten seconds we cross words. That means the world to me.

I fall easily in love with every boy I ever meet, even with unattractive boys. But you're different, the way your brow curls inward when you're concentrating hard enough. Or when someone makes a joke and your laughter can be heard miles away. Even so when you're just as serious as anyone could be your eyes show the softness of a baby quilt.

Your brown sugar eyes bring me the warmth needed in a cold December night. Your lips speak the words of truth everyone's delighted to hear. Your stories captivate me, even though you don't say them directly to me.

Now that I'm writing this I seem like an awful stalker.

A bad one.

But that just means I care for what you do, and what you say. I still remember the first words you said to me. I still remember weeks had to pass before you finally said hello. I also have to thank that little thirteen year old girl who finally introduced us. She's left now, but she'll never know how grateful I am towards her.


I still remember how I prayed, asking for a 'sign', that if a boy was the one he'd be the first one to show up.

It was you.

Now that doesn't mean that I automatically have to be with you, but I wouldn't mind getting my hopes high with that particular sign. I'm just so love struck with you, I feel that everything you do is perfect. That's just a terrible thing, I want to know you for your flaws, I want to know what makes you, you.

I don't have a lot about myself to say. I'm just average, I don't have the Megan Fox body, nor the face of a Victoria's Secret model. I'm just a girl who lives in a small town with hopes and dreams as big as the sky. I'm quiet when I need to be, but random when I'm with people that I enjoy company with.

I always wear my heart on my sleeve, which is a huge mistake. I always let people know how I feel, and I seem to distance myself once it's out. I close myself in and I don't want to let anyone in, because I fear rejection.

I don't feel worthy enough for you, or for anyone. Mother had always said that a woman was to choose her beloved, not to be chosen. But I'm not sure whether at this moment I can chose, I just don't feel pretty enough.

But life's way to short to bottle all these feeling and in the end regret it all by keeping it in. I've learned so much the past few years by keeping feelings in, I've learned that I need let the person know I feel toward them.

Well I want you to know that I have feelings for you for quite awhile now. I just thought you should know that I like you, so there I said it. I don't expect you to like me back.




Should this be really sent.?

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