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Dear you,

You said 'congratulations', squeezed my hand and then my ring. You looked at me and I felt the queen of the world.

I replied back with a thank you. I will never wash this ring!

This Sunday there will be a party, I will bring a dance partner but when I really want to dance with you.

I will pray to God to have just one dance with you.

Just one.


But fine if you don't take the initiative then maybe I will.

I will have just one dance with you. I promise you that.



P.S. I really, really, really, like you. But with those kinda 'really's' I think it's love.


Hey guys... I need advice should one take the initiative to take a guy out to dance? Is that a 'good' thing?

The answer would be used by Sunday. Pictures will be posted on my Instagram if you'd like to see.

(username will be deleted in three days)

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