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Dear You,

Do you even know how you make me weak? It's unbelievable. I'm hoping this is a safe place to fall. I'm falling down hard, for you. Just please be there to catch me. Please be careful, I'm handing my heart over to you I would say rather quickly. I know that probably by Saturday I probably already hate your guts, wishing I'd never see you again. And by Sunday I'd fall head over heels for you once more. Like I said before.

I hate love.

But then again hearts are often broken by words left unspoken.

And right now, right here I'm saying it loud and clear, I like you.

I'm letting the entire world know, I have a major crush on you. There I said, without you even knowing, funny isn't it?

Now that that's out in the clear, maybe I should go hide under a rock like Patrick Star. I feel my ears get red of embarrassment, just letting the entire world know how I feel about you.

So today probably was kinda sucky, I'd love to think that you were standing there for me. Waiting for me to come up to you and say 'hello'. But I can't imagine that.! I can't picture a boy -any boy to be exact- to think of me constantly. I can't imagine me being the reason as to why someone can't sleep at night.

Either way, I can't wait to see you on Sunday. This time I'll take the initiative to go up to you and say something. Anything, really.

But I'm actually quite content, because even if its for a millisecond I know that you thought about me in any particular way. So that's a good thing.

I think...

Can't hope to see you on Sunday.!



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