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Dear You,

Were you trying to say hello to me right now? We're you waiting your turn for me to shake your hand.

Because I was.

But you know how it is, people always try to say hello. So I stalled a bit with them, talked with them. But I really wanted to say hello.

I just really wanted for you to say hello to me. I wanted to hear my name from your lips, your voice. I wanted to have a good excuse to look into your big brown eyes without being a total creep.

Because in that moment, it's just the two of us. Exchanging simple words that to me, signify the entire world.

But you left.

Left towards the restroom, leaving me. Wondering why you left, without saying goodbye to me.

I left and I'm here right now, writing this. Letting you know how it kills me without hearing your voice. I know you don't like me, but I do. Tell me, what am I supposed to do with these stupid feelings?

How is it possible that they conquer my entire soul, my heart, making my thoughts bottle and not let me react.

I don't want any other person if its not you. But at this point I need to move on, I can't be hurt no more.

I'm sorry, I just don't know what to do...

And honestly I'd rather listen to my brain than to my heart.

Because my heart is so treacherous, it will betray me at any minute.

So please tell me now before I walk away.... forever




Hey guys! How you been lately? I've been okay... I'm glad you guys read this and hope you can emote with this. Votes and comments are greatly appreciated.

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