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Dear You,

You might have some competition, just saying. And he's someone you know. Jesse.

But, I only like you. Only you. Your pale skin, your clear brown eyes, your soft hands -well only when I greet you- I just like you so much.

Jesse, he's older, and he's very, very good-looking. He has what a girl with a materialistic mind would say rich. Gives himself a very luxurious lifestyle, compared to you, he's everything. Everything a girl would ever want, and my mom knows his interest.

But only you, I'm willing -if you ever take a chance on me- to start with you. Start from nothing to become something, together. You and I. Just please, take a chance on me. Just please give me shot to prove I'm worth it, worthy enough for you. Obviously my mother always taught me that a woman should be begged and pleaded for, but I can't control my feelings no longer. I want you, and I'll jump through every obstacle just to be next to you.

In the end the pain will be worth it, that's if you let me. I just want you. Your beautiful soul, I don't want anyone else now, and that might be a problem.

But the way you say hello to me just made my heart wrinkle, and shrivel with no air.

Just imagine, you caused all that inside of me. While on the outside I seemed very relaxed.

Love works in amazing ways.



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