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Dear You,

Okay so I can literally feel my heart just shrivel up because of you.

No joke!

I can hear my own heart beats as they start to pick up pace because of you. The way when you make absolutely 'no' eye contact with me when we speak to each other it honestly gets me. Like I've wrote before, I'd love to think that just for a minute you'd like me, at least in my daydreams.

Yesterday I had you so close so many times, my heart stopped. And I have a crazy confession; I wanted to kiss you.! Just like seriously, when you said "hey Syd" I really wanted to just stand on my tiptoes and kiss you. Yeah.... I like you so very badly!

Call me crazy but I will try whichever way to get to you. I don't care what people say this time, I honestly don't. I feel that this is all real, but it has to be more than just the 'feeling'. I need to 'know' if this is real. I need to know how you feel about me, if you consider me just another girl, your friend or even your secret crush.? It's a lot to ask for, I realize that, but if you asked me how I felt about you. I-I'd probably deny any possible feelings in front of you and say, "I like you only as a friend."

When the truth I absolutely the opposite, my heart cringes with envy when I see you talking to another girl, but you'd never know. And you possibly never will, unless I see at the alter with some other girl, then yeah I'll say something, for the very first time.

I don't want the story to repeat itself. Not again, I don't want to go through the heart break once more.

I guess last time was a mere crack that it did to my heart, but you are totally different. To me appearances don't matter, at all. Sure I realize you're not at all good looking (giggles), at all. But I really don't care, I don't even care if you lived in the dumpster, money don't matter. And if it did then I'd probably a total bitch, and money sucker. But still I like you, poorer or richer.(;

Anyway, I'll see you later.



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