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Dear You,

I regret not being a bit nicer to you today, treating you with such coldness that surpasses the arctic.

My heart lingers to be in yours forever.

But the truth is that you don't see me that way, it's proven, it's a fact. You don't like like me, you still see me as the new girl. But I need to know you, and you need to me. But how can we know each other when we don't give ourselves time to do so?

I was with Val and Brenda, you came our way, and I didn't know, frankly if you would even say hello to me.

But you did.

Those five seconds were the best five seconds in the world.

"Hi Sydney, how are you?"

My heart swelled up, screaming on the inside but kept cool in front of you. "Great and you?"

"Fine thanks."

I really like you, really! I don't know what else to do to hide those feelings. I don't want to look like a fool in your eyes, making you believe I'm not good enough for you.

I know all about that I don't need to change for anyone, because they'll accept one for who they are. But let's be truthful we all want someone to impress, to apply some lipgloss, some high heels. A reason to feel beautiful.

I don't know, maybe that's just me...

Sincerely me,


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