He's Gone

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Somehow or another, it was a bit of a blur, Tosh managed to disable the gun and we were whisked off to the Torchwood ship. I remembered the Cybermen entering, Dad and the Doctor yelling, then hitting my head. I don't remember how. I just remember hearing Dad shouting, someone picking me up, carrying me to the ship. There was blood covering my eyes. When I came too, in a sense, I was in the medical bay of Torchwood. I had stitches and a bandage on my head and was I sore! I sat up and looked around, wincing.
"Ah ah ah! Stay down Airiana!" Owen came running up and laid me back down. "Wait another hour or so. Otherwise you'll have a headache bigger than Tosh's brain!" I could see Tosh from where I lay as she stuck her tongue out at him.
"What happened?" I asked, rubbing my head. Then I heard footsteps that I could have done without.
"We rescued you, Airiana. The Doctor put you in danger and we had to save you, just like I knew we would." I sat up immediately and swung my legs over the edge of the cot, ignoring the pounding in my head.
"Where is the Doctor, Dad?" I asked. Dad turned away.
"He left you Airiana. Couldn't cope I suppose. I told him that you had hurt your head, and he got into his Tardis, and left. He's gone." I stared at my Dad in disbelief.
"No. That's impossible. He would never leave me behind." I told him. Dad raised his eyebrows.
"Oh really? They all saw it!" He shouted, pointing to the team. I looked at them, desperate for a look that said that he did not leave, but to no avail. They all looked at me gravely and shook their heads. "He's gone Airiana! Just like all the others, you got hurt and he left you to cope with that!" I stood up and ran to my room, tears threatening to fall. I ran in and flopped on my bed and sobbed. I'd never cried before. I'd been in pain before, but nothing like this emotional pain. Was it possible that I may have, loved the Doctor? I'd known for only a little while, but it already felt like forever. He like me, a free spirit. Someone who wanted to get away and move on from the old, saving people in the progress. But what I read from Dad's records, people left. Some died. One woman couldn't remember him. I cried for a long time into my pillow, then felt something in my pocket as I rolled over onto my back. I reached in and pulled out my sonic screwdriver. When I pressed the button and heard that wonderful sound, I felt like sobbing all over again. I held it close and fell asleep, a tear running down my cheek.

Meanwhile, In The Tardis...

The Doctor wandered around his Tardis sadly, thinking about Airiana. His soulmate, the woman he was destined to be with. She was gone. He hadn't abandoned her. He was worried about her. He missed her. Jack had told him to leave. He would never forget it.

He and Jack had surrounded her, him sonicking the Cybermen while Jack and the others shot them. The three of them, counting Owen, had surrounded Airiana while Gwen and Ianto had surrounded Tosh, who was disabling the laser pointed at the moon. She was climbing on top of the console and pulling out her blaster, getting ready to start shooting them herself.
"Airiana! Get down!" Jack had shouted, but she didn't hear him. She was looking at something else.
"Gwen!" She had shouted. The Doctor looked to see the woman had fallen from being shot by a Cyberman. Airiana ran across the console, shooting at Cybermen, trying to get to Gwen. Then she slipped and fell off, hitting the ground, a gash on her forehead.
"Airiana!" The Doctor shouted. He ran over to her and used his tweed jacket to cover the gash. Jack ran over and picked her up like a baby.
"Abort mission! Ianto, the bomb!" He shouted. Then they all ran as fast they could. The Doctor ran for his Tardis while Torchwood ran for their ship. They had it in case there was something they had to get out into space for. The Doctor followed them back to the base and ran over to Airiana, who was unconscious on a lab table in Owen's medical area, but Jack pushed him away.
"Get out of here! Haven't you done enough!? Just leave my daughter alone!" The Doctor was hurt. He nodded slowly, holding back tears, then went into his Tardis, and left.

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