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"But you love him!"

"No I don't, you idiot!"

"Oh really now? Then you wouldn't mind if I-"

Rachel clamped a hand over her twins mouth even though there was no one around to hear. "You say one word and I'll make positive you can't talk again."

Thomas smirked under the pressure of his sister's hand. He brought his own hand up and removed Rachel's tiny one. "So... you do love him?"

The brunette girl shot daggers at her brother and sat down on her bed. "I don't love him."

Thomas followed suit and sat on a chair across from her. "But you do like him. Right?"

Rachel sighed. "It's weird. I'm not allowed to 'like' anyone. If Paige found out, then he'd die. It's risky just talking about- thinking about it, even."

Thomas shot her a sympathetic smile.

"But you understand, don't you Tom?"

Thomas' eyes shot up to his sisters'. "What are you talking about?" he asked a bit too quickly.

Now it was Rachels' turn to smirk. "Oh, yeah, that's right. I have no idea of your feelings for a certain-"

"Shut up!" Thomas hissed. "Besides, you're changing the subject." Thomas rested his elbows on the back of the chair and leaned forward. "So," he asked in a faux girly voice. "Lets talk about Minho."

Rachels' eyes shot open. The dreams have been coming randomly ever since she woke up after her night in the maze, very seldom did they be so vivid.

Although 'dream' wasn't the right word to describe what she saw, that's what she called them. But she knew what they really were: memories. Little bits and pieces of things she saw after her encounter with a Griever. Some of them made no sense, some of them were nightmares her mind came up with using the things she saw. But this one was weird. Rachel didn't remember seeing anything like this during the time she was out.

She remembered a boy named Thomas teasing her about someone she 'loves' but that was it. Nothing specific, like Minho. Why would she love Minho? He was her best friend. That's just weird, she thought, bringing her hands up to rub her temples. Rachel groaned as she replayed the dream in her head. Was she in love with Minho? If she was, she certainly isn't now. Minho was nothing but a friend to her. A really good friend, at that.

This wasn't the first dream shes' had about this particular subject. Images of Thomas teasing her had been staring frequently in her dreams, but not once did she ever find out a name. And if that's not weird enough, the more she learned, the more her head hurt. Like now, Rachels' vision was blurry and spotted, her brain was unfocused and she could hear her head pounding. All because of some stupid dreams she didn't even want.

Minho was the only one she ever considered talking to about her dreams. About anything, really. Rachel couldn't count the amount of times she wanted to find Minho just to rant about about everything and nothing, or just be in his presence because she was bored and alone and wanted a friend. But for some reason, she never went to him or anyone else. Her heart was all for it, but her brain wouldn't let her move. It was like she wasn't allowed to talk to people.

Nick had noticed this from the beginning. Rachel always lied if she was hurting and never talked to anyone about anything that had to do with her personally. She was an enigma.

That's what Minho liked about her. She was always willing to put others before her and never liked to be the center of attention. But it was also annoying. Nobody ever knew what she was thinking. Emotions were ever seldom showed on her face and sometimes she acted like she didn't have a care in the world (which was scary in a place like the Glade).

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