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It's been four weeks since Nick had entered the Glade. He has learned to tolerate the brunette who helped him out of the box. Since they were the only two there, it was in their best interests to be friends and work together. And so they did.

    While Nick looked after the crops and cooked, Rachel took care of the animals and ran the Maze.

    Nick was curious about the Maze. He went to Rachel about it, asking if he could. The two respected the others opinions and thoughts. They helped each other. They trusted each other. They had to. Rachel was hesitant to the idea, but eventually caved in. The next day, they both ran into the Maze. Luckily, they didn't run into any Grievers, as they decided to call the deadly creature that almost killed Rachel.

    Nick was fascinated with the place. He wanted to keep searching it, just like Rachel did, but they had duties to do in the Glade. So they compromised. Every week they would switch off as to who goes into the Maze. One would run and look for a way out, while the other would stay behind and look after the Glade.

    Nick felt the need to protect the girl in the Glade, just as she felt the need to protect Nick, as well. Nick didn't like that her week to run was coming up. Although they only knew each other for a few weeks, their friendship was all they had.

    Rachel liked Nick. He was determined and smart, just like her. A few days prior to today, they just stopped everything and talked. They didn't have any stories or life experiences to share, obviously, but that didn't matter. They joked around and planned things they would do in the Glade later.

    When Nick came back from running the Maze, he saw Rachel struggling to build a wall to there new shelter. They had a ladder, courtesy of the Creators, but the extra height wasn't helping Rachel's tired hands. Nick jogged over to help. They exchanged their 'hello's before Nick dived into work. The third wall was close to finished when a familiar alarm went off. Nick looked around in shock while Rachel's eyes immediately went to the Box.

    She jumped off the ladder and took off in a sprint to the Box. A confused Nick ran after her. The alarm had stopped, Rachel pulled a knife out of her boot. Nick just looked at her waiting for an answer. She just stared at the box.

    He snapped his fingers in front or Rachel's face. "Yo, shank," Nick said.

    Rachel glared at him. "What?"

    "What's going on?"

    Rachel sighed. "The last time that annoying alarm went off is the day you came up."

    Nick furrowed his eyebrows. "Okay? So, someone else is coming up. What's with the knife, then?"

    "We don't know if someone else is coming," Rachel snapped. "We don't what's happening to us or if whatever in the box will hurt us or not." Rachel noticed Nick's hurt expression. She's never snapped at him before. Rachel lowered her head and said, "Sorry."

    Nick put a hand on Rachel's back. She looked up at him. He smiled. "We're gonna get through this together, Rachel."

    She lifted her hand and extended her pinky. "Pinky swear?" she asked.

    Nick laughed. Shaking his head, he latched his pinky to hers. "Pinky swear," he promised.

    Not to long later, the white doors opened. Rachel leaned down to open the second set. Inside was indeed another person; a boy. He was African American and tall.

    Rachel smiled innocently. "Sup, shank. Welcome to purgatory," she said.

    The boy opened and closed his mouth like a fish. Rachel tilted her head as she noticed something wrong with his face. "You look a little green there, buddy."

    "I have a name," the boy snapped.

    Rachel was taken by surprise. But then smirked. "And what would that be?" she asked.

    The boy looked at the ground. "I... I don't know."

    "Then I'm calling you Greenie. 'Kay, Gree-"   

    Nick rolled his eyes and pushed her out of the way before she could finish. Rachel landed on the ground and glared at her friend. Nick knelt down and told the boy, "Ignore her. Shucking weird way with people, I guess."

    Rachel got up from the ground and walked over to the box. She shot a glare at Nick and said, "Help me get him up, shuck-face."

    They hauled the newcomer out of the box. The second his feet touched the ground, he took off running.

    "Shuck," Rachel cursed before taking off into a sprint after him. She easily caught up to him and tackled the boy to the ground. They struggled for a bit, but Rachel pinned his arms to the ground.

    "What the hell, Greenie! Running out into the Maze? That's a no-no!" Rachel yelled at him.

    The boy continued to struggle under her grip. "I'm not afraid," he seethed.

    "Then your stupid. If you ain't scared, you ain't human. No fear makes you stupid, too much fear makes you weak. Either way, your vulnerable," Rachel told him, "If your going to live and survive where we are, then you need to be alert. You need to be afraid. So, if I were you, I'd get my act together."

    Greenie started to relax under Rachel's grip. Rachel sighed and said, "Listen, Greenbean. We're not in a good place, alright? If we don't stick together, then this whole shuck Glade will be for nothing. Everything me and Nick did would be for nothing. Surviving would be for nothing. And I don't know about you, but I wanna live."

    Rachel noticed the boy finally gave up struggling. She rolled off of him and stood up. She offered her hand which he took.

    "My name is Rachel. My comrade over there" -she jerked her head in Nick's direction. He had ran over after Rachel- "is Nick."

    He studied us, skeptically. "How long have you been here?" he asked.

    "I've been here for two months. Nick, only one."

    "Where are we?"

    "Nowhere good, Greenie. Nowhere good."

I'm hungry tbh.

I had this huge, gigantimous pancake this morning and it was covered in sausage gravy and it was absolutely amazing. I want another one.

So, its snowing and I hate snow. But we got out of school. Which is cool, I guess sense I was supposed to present my social studies project today. But there's no cheer either :( poop

- M I S S Y

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