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It's been a month since Alby started having suspicions of Alex. Even more so now that Mason follows him around like a puppy. He had caught a few more hateful glances thrown at his friend, and was debating on whether to confront him or not. He didn't want to make a big deal about it for it could be nothing. They had bigger things to worry about anyways.

Gally, whose ego was bigger than his nose, decided to go against the rules and venture out into the maze. A Griever roaming around in the daylight came and stung him. Luckily, Minho had found him and brought him back to the Glade.

He was a moaning mess. His veins were purple and skin sickly pale green. Nick helped Minho take him into the med room while Clint got a bed ready.

The new greenie, Justin, was scared out of his mind. But so was everyone else.

Nick noticed the familiarities between Gallys' condition and Rachels' after she came back from her night in the maze. Actually, they were the exact same. Alby must've noticed this too, because not ten seconds later he was rummaging through the drawers and cabinets trying to find the serum they injected Rachel with. Upon finding it, Alby ran over to Gally and injected it into his arm.

Clint started yelling at him, telling him that they had no idea what he just pumped into Gallys' bloodstream, but Nick shut him up, assuring him it would work.

After Gally was stable and asleep, Nick and Alby pulled Rachel, whom had been watching the scene in shock, outside.

"That looks exactly like what happened to you," Nick told her, not wasting time.

Rachels' eyes widened. "My veins looked like ropes?"

"And your skin was green and you were screaming? Yeah, you were," informed Alby.

Rachel scrunched up her nose at the mental image of her looking like that. "That could not have been attractive."

But now that Gally was recovering, Alby had all the time possible to look into the Alex thing.

Nick himself had been a little on edge. Not because of Gally or Alex, but because he swears someone has been following him. There's not a lot of people in the Glade, so the list was easy to narrow down:

Rachel, Minho or Newt, no. They spent all day in the maze.

Alby, no. What reason did he have?

Frypan, no. He spends all day in the kitchen.

Zart, no. Nick spends all day with him in the gardens.

Winston, no. He barely ever leaves the animals.

Gally, no. Well, he was out cold.

Justin, no. This started before he came.

That left Clint, Mason and Alex. And Nick couldn't think of one reason they would want to follow him, so, for the most part, he ignored it. And after a while, Alby started to, too.

He doesn't pose a threat, he thought. He's probably just upset he got stuck in here.

And just like that, the matter had been dropped.


The boy grit his teeth. What right did Nick have to tell him what to do? They were stuck in a maze! Their lives were on the line, so why not make the most of it while they could? Why assign jobs and not have any fun? Why did they have to be so serious all the time?

He's not even that good of a leader, he thought. He lets Rachel get away with everything! She shouldn't even be here! It's because she's a girl she gets special treatment. If I was in charge, no special treatment would be given. We'd all be equals.

Alex shook his head in disgust. If anyone should be in charge here, it's me! Not Nick!

Alex walked deeper into the woods, a knife clutched in his hand, a wooden sign he carved in the other. He walked further and further away from the Glade, deeper into the forest.

Upon reaching a small clearing, Alex forced the sign into the ground, the pointed edge at the bottom penetrating the dirt beneath.

This place is no fun.

He pushed the sign deeper into the ground.

Jobs shouldn't be assigned, they should be chosen by each individual.

Alex wiggled the sign around, making sure it was secure.

He's weak.

He walked around to the front of the sign. He crouched down and positioned the knife on the thick wood and started to carve it.

Nick is weak. We'd be better off if Rachel was the leader. We'll never find a way out with him in charge.

With each cut of the knife, Alex felt more determined.

I need to save these people.

He stood up and took a few steps back to examine his work. A single word was carved into the light wood of the post. A name. One of the person he knew he had to kill. He had to save these people. His people. They'd respect him if he showed how strong he was. And the only way to do that was to kill him.


And then Alex turned around and walked away from the makeshift headstone, his plan in motion.

Short... oops.




on another note,

*fake smiles*

hello dear fellow peasants, it surely has been a while. did you have nice day? it was eighty degrees here! ha, ha, *content sigh*. so, how is that wondrous pet of yours? that's just great! did you enjoy this update? no? too bad.

- M I S S Y

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