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That's all she could hear.

It was loud, defiant- like a thousand bells were going off all at once.


Then white spots danced across her vision. The blinding of stars crashing in her head.


Like the simple act of opening her eyes, gave her whiplash.

Then she was back in the box. She could it racing upwards. She could hear the chains screaming. She could feel her panic.

But that was because of the maze. It was because of the mechanical monsters chasing after her as she ran down each mossy, vine-filled corridor. Her breathing was heavy and labored.

But maybe that was because of working in the heat all day. Gardening and building things wasn't exactly a walk in the park.

Neither was the uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach as she heard the loud ring of the boxes' alarm.


That's what that was.

It was the box. The newbie has arrived.

The newbie? How long have I been out?

Suddenly, something dawned on her. Something she never knew before. Screaming. Fire. The woman in white.

Rachel though for a moment. Where did they come from? She remembered being in pain from the Griever attack and then passing out, but then a million images infiltrated her head. But what did it all mean?

She remembered an older lady telling her it was 'alright'. That W.I.C.K.E.D, whatever that was, was good. Who names something W.I.C.K.E.D and says it's 'good'? she thought. She pushed it aside, knowing there had to be something useful.

A boy. One that looked just like her. He teased her, cared for her, looked after her. Like a brother.

Holy shuck.

And he knew something, too. Rachel remembered him saying that they 'had to save people' and 'do it for mom'. How could I help while stuck in a shucking maze? she thought angrily. But that wasn't all. And Rachel knew she had to tell Nick and Alby.

Ignoring her pounding head, Rachel swung her feet over the bed. Black spots danced in her line of vision but she pressed forward. She lazily maneuvered her way to the door. Wow, they finished the building, she thought. Nice.

A sharp pain in her head caused her to stop. Rachel stopped abruptly. She put her hand on the wall beside her to use as support. It subsided the tiniest bit; she kept moving, knowing she had to tell her friends what she remembered.

Once Rachel reached the door, she pushed it open. Although, she didn't anticipate the amount of light that would momentarily blind her, the powerful rays hitting her dead on didn't stop her from moving forward. She simply groaned, clenched her eyes shut and looked at the ground. She staggered, half-blind, to the box.

She didn't get very far.

"Woah! Hey! Take it easy!"

Rachel lifted her head to look at the person who spoke. All she saw was a black spot. But then, slowly, that black spot had eyes and a mouth and ears. Soon, Rachel could fully make out Albys figure standing in front of her.

"What are you doing out of bed? When did you wake up?" he asked.

"What?" Rachel's voice was raw. "Not allowed to bask in the glory of natural light?"

Alby ignored her. "I'm taking you inside."

"No, stop it, Greenie," she ordered. "I'm fine. I was gonna have to stand up sooner or later."

"Then how bout later?"

Rachel ignored him and continued her journey to the box. There, Nick was talking to the newbie. He was tall, thin and looked had shaggy blonde hair. His eyebrows were slightly furrowed and a pout set on his lips. He reminded Rachel of a lost puppy.

Too busy trying to ignore the dull, lingering pain in her head, Rachel didn't hear Nick and the newbie walk up to her.

"Who is she?"

Rachel figured Nick said something that she missed. She looked up at the new boy. "Cute and british? I like you." She turned to Nick. "So-"

"I'm taking you back to bed," he commanded.

Rachel huffed, cause a sharp pain in her already throbbing temple. She winced.

"I'm fine. We need to talk, though. It's important."

" 'Important' can wait. You need rest. Now. I'm taking you back." He made a move to pick her up, but Rachel stopped him.

"Nick I'm serious-"

"So am I. You sustained terrible injuries. Ones that could have killed you. You're lucky to be alive," he informed, trying to convince her to go back.

What? "I what?" She shook her head, the motion made her hurt more. "Doesn't matter. I'm alive. Whoopy! Now we have to talk. I-"

    Then Rachels' head started to spin. She was pretty sure Nick said something, but she didn't hear him. The last thing she saw was a hand reaching out to her as her vision went black.

And thanks @-PinnociHoe-  for letting me come home to a load of votes and a follow!

- M I S S Y

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