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The suns' blinding light shot down on the desert. Dead trees and a few falling buildings scattered around the open plain. It was hot, painfully, scorching hot. Looking around to check her surroundings, thats' when she saw them.

Bodies- burnt and ugly. Eyes wide and red and full of insanity and hunger, some just had a black gap where their eye was supposed to go. They sounded and looked like zombies, but certainly moved faster than your stereotypical undead walker.

They moved closer, their purple veins becoming more and more noticeable. Missing teeth, slobber dripping down their chins. It was horrifying.

And they were coming right for Rachel.

And for some reason, she couldn't move. Only watch as the rabid people limped to her, muffled screams and incoherent words falling from their open mouths. They were so close... Close enough to wrap their bony hands tightly around her neck and squeeze until Rachel fell to the ground, color drained from her face... Or to scratch and claw at her skin until nicking an artery and continuing as she bled out... Or maybe bite off chunks of her skin until she was just bone...

They were right in front of her, grabbing at her clothes, and Rachel didn't even scream. That happened once they-

Rachel gasped and wrapped her hand around the one on her shoulder. Her grip tightened considerably. Her vision was blurry and unfocused from the dark so she couldn't see her attacker, but her instincts took over, unaware she wasn't in any harm.

That was until she made out a quiet, british sounding, yelp of pain. Rachels' brain immediately snapped into focus, along with her eyes. Newt was standing over her, trying to pry his wrist away from Rachels' iron-tight grip. She immediately let go.

Rachel shot up. "Newt! Oh my God!"

He shook his hand and winced slightly in pain. He nodded his head. "Yeah, but... bloody hell that's one tough grip ya got there." He laughed it off.

Rachel didn't. "What the hell are you doing in here?"

"What? No concern for my mental or physical well-being?"

Rachel huffed and crossed her arms over her chest like an angry six year-old. "You shouldn't have scared me like that, anyways."

Newt looked at her, eyebrows furrowed together. "You weren't awake yet. We leave for the maze in a few minutes," he told her.

Rachel huffed once again. She rolled her eyes and stood up off her bed. Newt started to say something, but Rachel pushed the tall boy out of her room so she could change.

Although Rachel didn't like the special treatment given to her due to her gender, she did in fact enjoy having her own room. It was small, complete with a little window, bed, and dresser. That was it, and more than anyone else had. Except Nick. As commander, he had a room too. Everyone slept outside on a hammock or in the spare room with only a blanket.

Rachel preferred her room.

She hurriedly changed intro her running clothes and ran outside to get something to eat before her departure. She jogged her way over to the food hut. Frypan, as Siggy insists on being called, held his arm out with a sandwich in his hand for Rachel to take, knowing she was coming. She smiled upon taking the sandwich. She called out a 'Thanks, Fry!' before running over to Newt and Minho who were sitting by the wall waiting for her.

"Sup shanks," Rachel greeted, sitting down across from them. She took a bite of her sandwich.

"You're late," Minho informed sternly.

Rachel shrugged. "Sorry. But on the bright side, best nights sleep I've had in awhile. Guess ruffing up ol' Gally got me tired," she lied. In reality, she was up have the night thinking before she finally went to bed around one, giving her only five hours of sleep, and then the nightmare happened.

Newt looked at her funny. "You were thrashing around in bed when I came to wake you up," he pointed out.

What? she thought. "What? No I wasn't," she denied.

"Uh, yes ya were," he said.

Rachel rolled her eyes. She was very aware that she probably was in fact kicking around in her bed due to her dream. "You were seeing things, slinthead."

"No I-"

"Whatever," she cut him off, not wanting to talk about it anymore. "Get up. We're late."

Newt and Minho reluctantly dropped the subject, agreeing that they did need to get going. After stealing a quick glance at Rachel, Minho sighed and jogged into the Maze.


That stupid alarm, Nick thought as everyone gathered around the box, awaiting the arrival of the new greenie. He squeezed his eyes shut and rubbed his temples.

It wasn't long after the thought the box came to a stop and the doors opened. Nick opened his eyes and looked into the box along with the others. A boy around the age of sixteen cropped red hair rubbed his eyes before squinting into the light. He blinked a few times, his eyes adjusting to the light. Standing up, he looked up at the other boys.

"W-where am I?" he stuttered.

Nick crouched down. "I'm Nick," he greeted, ignoring the question. "Do you remember your name?"

"Mason. Where am I?" he asked again.

"We call it the Glade. Come on." Nick offered his hand. The greenie took it, he hauled him up up out of the box. The others looked him up and down, as if their eyes were x-rays, examining him. Mason shifted uncomfortably, avoiding direct eye contact with each boy he glanced at.

Before Mason could ask any more questions, Nick cut him off, saying that everything will be explained in the morning during the tour and that for now, just to stay within the walls and do as told. Mason complied.

Unconsciously, Alby glanced at the crowd around them. They all were focused on the greenie, except Alex. He was staring, no glaring, at Nick, whom was completely unaware, too caught up in talking to the greenie.

Alby furrowed his eyebrows and focused on the other boy. His face was full of disgust for a reason Alby wasn't aware. He tried to think of whatever reason Alex would have a grudge against their leader, but couldn't think of one.

Then Alex looked at Alby, sensing the boy's stare. Alby quickly tried to cover it up with a small nod of acknowledgment with his head. Alexs' face stayed blank as he uncrossed his arms and walked away.

Alex had always been an odd one, but the look of pure disgust and anger on his face, directed at Nick nonetheless, sent a wave of concern through Alby. Not for Alex, but for Nick. Yeah, Alex had always been a bit mean to everyone, but what reason did he have to be mad at Nick?

Something was up, and Alby was gonna find out what.

I just finished chapter four and a prologue of two different stories and I'm proud of myself.

I don't remember if I mentioned this or not, but every time I post on this book, I've wrote two chapters of something else. So, I am now onto chapter five of my Daryl Dixon fanficion! As for the prologue thing... well, you'll find out sooner or later. ;) Meaning later.

- M I S S Y

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