Sequel: His Girl

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Here is a summery for the next book:

Emma Bradley is back. After ending sophomore year by defeating the kanima, she had to leave Beacon Hills for her secret. Her sickness had forced her to do many things, but when it forced her away from Scott McCall, she had a rough time. When she was gone, she learned of a new threat, the Alpha Pack. Not only are they looking for Derek, but they are looking for someone else, someone even more powerful than a Hale Alpha. Emma races back to Beacon Hills to try and help her friends, but what can she do when she is getting worse? She has fits everyday, her medication makes her see things that aren't there. Hell, she can barely stand some days. She has to battle through her sickness in order to help her friends through human sacrifices and Deucalion, the Demon Wolf. Will she make it? Will she save her friends? Or will the bad guys win in the end?

The link to it is in the external link

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