Chapter 5: Grasping the Supernatural

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I wake up in the back seat of a car. I sit up and see that Allison is driving. "What the hell happened?" I ask, holding my head. 

Allison stays quiet, eyes on the road. "Allison! What happened?!"

"I can't tell you." She says, parking the car. 

"And why not?" I ask, getting increasingly angry. 

"Emma, right now, I can't tell you much. But we need to get you cleaned up." Allison says, not meeting my gaze. 

"Cleaned up?" I whisper to myself. I take my head out of my hand and see blood on my hand. I start to freak out. I throw the door open and start running away from Allison. She yells after me, but I keep running. 


Emma runs the full mile and half to her apartment and runs up to her apartment. She slams the door shut and locks it. She leans her head against the door, steadying her breathing. When she finally starts to breath normally, she turns around to see a very awkward looking Scott. 

"Hey Emma." Scott says as she screams at his appearance. 

"What are you doing here?!" She scream. 

"You're still bleeding." He frowns, looking at her head. 

"I'll be fine if you get out!" Emma yells. 

"Just let me explain. I can--"

"No, Scott! Get out! Now!" She screams, opening the door. He hangs his head as he walks out the door slowly. She closed the door with a bang and slides down the door, finally letting herself cry.

She just feels so confused. So many questions were running through her head. Like what that lizard thing was and what happened at Scott's house. 

Little did she know that Scott was standing outside the door, just listening to her cry her eyes out. 


Emma managed to avoid Scott and Allison the entire day. She then went to the hospital to make up for her appointment that she missed the day before. 

"Well, Emma, you look like you're in good shape. Just don't miss anymore appointments. It'll get worse over the next few months so you might have to come in more." Dr. Adams tells her. 

"Alright. I'm sorry I missed yesterday. I got caught up in studying." Emma lies. 

"Is something wrong?" Dr. Adams asks, recognizing her scared condition.

"I'm fine." She says, earning a look from her doctor. "I just... I don't know who to trust anymore." 

"Well, making friends could help."

"I tried that and they locked me in a house for three hours." She says. Dr. Adams laughs, thinking it's a joke. Emma gives a weak smile before standing up. "Well, I'll see you next week." 

She walks out of the room only to walk right into Scott McCall. She immediately turns the other way, but he catches her arm. "We need to talk." He says. 

"You have five minutes." Emma says angrily, letting him lead her to a separate room. 

There he explains everything. How he was bitten, how he and Derek's pack are werewolves. How Jackson is a kanima and they need to find out who's controlling him. 

When he finishes, Emma looks at him in shock. "Show me." She says, not truly believing what he said. 

He takes a deep breath before letting his fangs ad claws grow as well as letting his eyes change color. She looks at him and walks up to his face. She touches his cheeks as if to make sure it's real. 

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