Chapter 7: The Rave

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As I get to school, I see Matt talking to Scott and Stiles. "...You know what, Matt? Your little bump on the head is about this high on our list of problems right now!" Stiles says, putting his hand about a few inches above the ground. 

I walk over before any of them could make the situation worse. "Are you ok, Matt?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'm fine now." He says, giving a sly glance towards Stiles who rolls his eyes. "So you didn't get tickets last night either." He says to Scott. 

"No, are they still selling?" Scott asks. 

"Uh, no, but I managed to find two online. You should keep trying." Matt then turns to me. "So when am I picking you up?"

Crap! I totally forgot! "Uh, what time does it start?" I ask, trying to get out of it. 

"Eight." I can feel the confused looks from the other boys on the back of my head. 

"Then 7:30?" I ask, really not wanting to go. 

"Sure. See you later." He smiles, walking away. 

I slowly turned around to see Scott looking at me with an unreadable expression while Stiles is staring in shock. "I don't want to go..." I shift awkwardly.

"You're going with Matt?!" Stiles asks.

"He cornered me! And I can't say no to people." I mumble. "Is he really that bad? I mean, I know he's creepy but..."

"I don't like him." The boys say in unison.

"You can't go." Scott says seriously.

"I can't just say no now." I say.

"Yes you can." Stiles argues.

I sigh and walk in between them. "I'll see you in class." I mutter. 


Matt and I arrive at the rave and we stand there, pretty awkwardly. I then look over and see Scott glaring at us. "Matt, could you give me a second?" I ask. He nods and I move towards Scott, who grabs my arm and drags me further away.

"What are you doing here? I told you not to come!" He growls, still holding my arm. 

"Do you think I wanted to come? I hate parties! Especially loud raves with sweaty humans." I sneer, looking around. 

"You need to go, now!" He practically yells. 

"I can't just leave, Scott. What am I supposed to say?!"

"Just, go!" He says, walking away. 

"Scott! I-"

"Go!!" He yells, disappearing into the crowd.

I run my hand through my hair as I watch Scott's head leave my vision. "Wanna get closer to the DJ?" Matt asks, appearing beside me.

I nod reluctantly and we get closer to the music. We start to dance and sway to the beating of the speakers until it gets too loud for me. 

We go to the side and sit down. After a few minutes I start to play with my sleeve, guilty about my interaction with Scott. "You're not having a good time, are you?" Matt asks, noticing my sleeves.

"Do you ever feel like you try so hard and it just never works out?" I ask, sighing.

"No, unlike the rest of humanity, I'm perfect." He jokes, getting me to smile slightly. 

I turn to face him and find his face incredibly close to me, his eyes on my lips. "Whoa." I say, putting a hand on his chest to push him back. "What are you doing?" 

"I-I'm-- I'm sorry. That- that was a mistake. I-I'm sorry." He apologizes, scooting back. 

"It's ok." I say, looking around. "Actually, it's not-- it's not ok. I have to make a call so..." I quickly run out of the rave.

The moment the door closes behind me, I lean against the wall, gathering my breath. Why would Matt do that? I mean, did he think that would help the already awkward situation?

I quickly text Allison to ask if she could take Matt home and I jump in the car and drive home.

Why didn't I listen to Scott?!

Sorry it's short. I wrote another 500-1000 words but Wattpad didn't save it :(

Hope you liked!!

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