Chapter 1: First Day at Beacon Hills

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"But--" Emma Bradley complains, looking at Dr. Weston.

"No buts Emma. This is not a delicate matter. We are moving you to Beacon Hills." Her doctor tells her sternly.

She rolls her eyes before saying, "Is this because I don't have a legal guardian anymore? You think you can just boss me around? I'm my own person."

"You are under my care. Even though you are emancipated, I still have to move you. There is already an apartment set up and you are already enrolled at the school." Dr. Weston walks over to her and looks her right in the eye. "You're going."

And that's how she got to Beacon Hills, California. She is all moved in and ready for school. She tried her best not to think of what had happened a few months ago.

Her and her parents got into a bad accident. The car flipped over, she had bits of metal in her gut. But the worst part wasn't the crash. No, it was when Dr. Weston told her that her parents didn't make it. They were dead, and she was left alive. Alone, but alive. 

She hikes her bag up onto her shoulder as she exits the car. She walks past the few students that notice her and finds her way into the office. She gets to the desk to see a nice looking woman typing on the computer. 

"Um, hello." She says, getting her attention. She looks up and smiles. "Hi, um, I'm Emma Bradley? I'm a new student." Emma say quietly. 

"Of course. Wait here and I'll get the vice principal." She says, getting up. Emma sighs and sits in a chair, curling up sightly. She hates new places and people. She has learned enough to know to stay out of people's way and they won't bother you. 

The bell rings right before the secretary comes back with a tall man, Emma assumes is the vice principal. "Hello, you must be Emma." He says, shaking her hand. "Here is your schedule. It seems you have chemistry with Mr. Harris first. Let me walk you there." 

She nods in answer before following him to a room full of kids. She feels the familiar butterflies of nervousness explode in her stomach as he opens the door. She walks in behind him as he says, "Hello class. This is our new student, Emma Bradley. Please make her feel welcome." She smile slightly before Mr. Harris, the tall and emotionless teacher, shows her where to sit. 

"We are having a pop quiz, Ms. Bradley. I suggest you try your best." Before Emma could reply, Mr. Harris slams the paper down on her desk, making her jump. He walks away and she gets started on the quiz.

"This is a pop quiz, Mr. Stilinski." Mr. Harris says suddenly. She didn't even realize that the boy with the buzz cut was talking. "If I hear your voice again, I might be tempted to give you detention for the rest of your high school career." 

"Can you do that?" Stilinski asks, his hazel eyes widening. 

"There it is again, your voice. Triggering the only impulse I've ever had to strike a student repeatedly and violently. I'll see you at three for detention." Stilinski's mouth drops open as another boy looks back at him. "You too Mr. McCall?" 

"No sir." McCall says, looking back at his paper. 

Emma smiles slightly at his awkwardness. No Emma! Stop it! She reprimands myself. I can't form attachments, let alone attractions. There's no time for that...

She continues doing the quiz until the bell rings. She then quickly walks out and goes to her next class. 


After school, she drives to the hospital. She enters the hospital and walks to the front desk. "Hi, I'm Emma Bradley." She says to the front desk lady. 

"What can I do for you, Ms. Bradley?" She asks, some-what bored. 

"I have, um, papers to drop off." Emma says, taking the folder out of her bag. "I just moved here and there are some medical things that need to be sorted out." She says nervously. She doesn't want anyone to recognize her. 

"Let me see." The lady says, looking through her file. "Ah, Dr. Adams. He should be on floor 3." She says, handing the papers back to Emma. Emma smiles in thanks before proceeding to the elevator. She gets to the third floor and looks around. 

She starts to walk forward but crashes into a nurse. "Oh, I'm sorry." Emma says, picking up her papers. 

"No, I'm sorry sweetheart." The nurse says, watching Emma fail at picking up the folder. "Here, let me." She says, helping her with the papers. "That's better. I'm Nurse McCall. What's your name?" 

"Emma Bradley." The girl says, looking around. "Do you know where I can find Dr. Adams?"

"I do. Follow me." Nurse McCall says. She starts to lead Emma through the hallways. "Are you new? I haven't seen you around before."

"I just moved this weekend." Emma confesses, looking around nervously. 

"Are you at the high school?"

"Yeah, I'm a sophomore."

"My son's a sophomore too. Scott McCall." Emma thinks back to chemistry when Mr. Harris yelled at those two boys. 

"Does he hang around with this kid with a buzz cut?" Emma asks, giggling slightly.

"Yeah, that's Stiles, the Sheriff's boy." The nurse says, coming to an office. "This is Dr. Adams."

"Thank you." Emma says quietly, looking at her toes. 

"Why don't you come over for dinner one night? Bring your folks." Nurse McCall suggests. 

"I would love to, but I'm on my own here." Emma's voice is small as she pushes her tears away. 

"Than all the more reason. We can set up a time. I'm sure I can help you get acquainted with Scott, who could introduce you to other kids."

"I-I don't know." Emma responds, scratching the back of her neck. 

"It'll be fun." The nurse persists. 

"Alright. Thank you for the invitation." Emma says, walking into the office. 

The office was covered in anatomy posters, with many bookshelves lining the walls. There was a single desk with a man sitting there. "Dr. Adams?" Emma asks tentatively as she enters the room. 

"You must be Emma then." The man stands, offering Emma a seat. 

"Here are my papers." Emma gives the folder to her new doctor. 

"Everything is great. I just need you to sign a few things." Dr. Adam's takes out a contract and a pen. She quickly read through the words and signs her name. "One thing Emma, you live in Ohio, yes?"

"That's my home." She says, avoiding the topic slightly. 

"Are you planning on doing your treatments here or there? It can be stressful to keep moving back and forth."

"Well, I just moved here, so I'll be doing the treatments here." Just hearing those words made her want to cry. 

"Then all set. I'll see you in a week." Dr. Adams says, dismissing her. 

She darts out of the hospital like a gazelle running from a lion. She quickly gets into her car and drives home, hoping to avoid too much stress. 

The moment she gets home, she collapses on the bed and falls asleep, ready for the next day.

HELLO!! Hope you like this story idea, but I want some help. Would you rather first person or third person. I think I'm going to switch to first person in the next chapter but, what ever you want.

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