Chapter 60: Graduation

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Katniss P.O.V.

Prom was amazing. I'm proud of Peeta and he was so sweet to me.
I've had an awesome time, but we have to move on.
So today's graduation, and I'm nervous like hell.
Today I'm finishing my high school.

I hear a knock on my door.
'Come in', I say and I see Peetas head coming around the corner.
'Ready?' he asks smiling. I smile back and nod. I walk up to him and he grabs my hands.
'Let's go', he says and we walk out of the house.

When we get to school, we all get together and get on our gowns and hats on. They're in the colour of our school; red.
'Well, guys, this is it', Finnick says. We all nod. 'I'm gonna miss you', Annie says with tears in her eyes.
'Annie, how many times do we have to tell you that we stay with you?' Gale says. Annie smiles at him.
'We're going on vacation with you', Johanna states. Annie chuckles and nods.
'Still. I'll miss spending everyday with you', she says. Now we're all silent. I know she's right. We won't be able to spend time with eachother every day anymore. That makes me sad.

'Well, let's not think about that. Think about the times that we will be together', Peeta says, emphasizing on the word "will". I smile. He always knows the best things to say.
'Bread Boy is right. Let's make this day awesome', Johanna says. We all nod and get to the ceremony.

We all get to the stage one by one, when they say our name. Some have a speech, others just stay silent and take their diplomas.
When it's my turn, I walk up the stage and I mention that I'm shaking.
'Katniss Everdeen, congratulations', our principal says. I smile at him.
'Thank you', I say as he hands me my diploma.
I walk off the stage again, not wanting to give a speech.

I sit down again next to Peeta, and he pecks my cheek.
'Well done', he whispers. I smile at him.

When it's Peeta's turn, I can't stop smiling. He looks so good in his gown, and he's just smiling so cute.
'Peeta Mellark, congratulations', the principal says. He smiles and takes the microphone. Of course he's giving a speech. He can talk so good.

He clears his throat and begins.
'I haven't had the best time at high school. But this year, my Senior Year, my life changed. Just at the first day, I got friends. And I met this girl, that turned out to be the most important person in my life.'
He pauses for a moment to smile at me. I smile back and feel that I'm blushing.
'And there were some changes in this year, that made my life hundred times better', Peeta continues. I know what he means. His mom.
'And I just know that my life will go on getting better, even if the one I love, is far away', he finishes. We all start to clap and I smile brightly at him when he walks back to me.
I hug him. 'That was beautiful', I say. He smiles.

We listen to the rest of the ceremony and then we're done. We all throw our hats into the air and we all cheer.
High school is finally over! It's done! My real life can start now.

We walk out of the school and turn to it.
'I'll miss it', Annie says. Finnick hugs her. 'We all do', he says. We nod and turn around again.
'So, what now?' Gale asks.
'We go on vacation', Johanna says simply. We laugh and nod. Peeta and I say our goodbyes to the others and go home.

When we get there, Peeta sighs deeply. I look at him and take his hand.
'You okay?' I ask. He smiles and nods.
'Yeah.' I smile too.
'Come on, let's pack our bags. We leave on two days', Peeta says.
I nod and walk with him upstairs.

We pack our bags with our clothes and stuff, and when we're done, we just lay on the bed thinking.
It's been a full year. A busy year. An awesome year. A great year. A life changing year.

'Katniss?' I suddenly hear as I'm making the list. I look up at Peeta.

'I love you', he says. I smile and kiss his cheek.
I lay back on his chest and close my eyes.

'To the moon and back', I hear Peeta whisper just before I drift off.

FINISHED! That was it! That's I Love You To The Moon And Back!
What did you guys think? And a more important question, do you want a sequel?
Let me know!
Love, -xxx-

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