Chapter 4: The Group

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Katniss P.O.V.

The next lesson is without Peeta. We have music, and he has biology. He told me that right before we walked into the school building. 

I have my fingers on the strings of the guitar, but I can't concentrate. I don't even hear Finnick banging on the drums, until Annie shakes my shoulders. 

'Katnis!' she yells. I look at her. 'What?' I ask. 'Yeah, what? We asked you what song we're gonna play', Annie says. I blush. 'Oh... Eh...', I stutter. Annie smiles amused at me. 

'You're thinking of him, aren't you?' she asks. I feel that I'm blushing even more. Finnick keeps slaming the drums. 'Finnick! Please!' I yell. He looks caught at me. 'Sorry, Kitty', he says. I smile friendly at him. 

'Play something, maybe it'll help', Annie says. I nod ans I place my fingers on the right places on the string. I start playing some songs, and Annie sings the lyrics of them. 

During the break I'm looking for Peeta. Even though my knees start to feel weak when I see him, and my heart starts beating a hundred times faster, I want to become friends with this new boy. 

I see him standing by the candymachine in the corner of the cafetheria. 

'Hey', I greet him when I walk up to him. 'Hey', he answers with a very attractive, low voice. 

Keep calm, Katniss. You can do this. 

'How was biology', I ask. He chuckles. 'Boring, how was music?' he says. I smile. 'Fun. We had to play a song and Finnick of course started to bang on the drums', I tell him. He smiles. 

Oh... That smile... Katniss! Come on now!

'Wanna meet the group?' I ask. He nods and are my eyes messing with me or did he really blush a little? 

I take him to the table where the others are sitting. 

'Hey, guys, this is Peeta', I say. Finnick looks up. 'The new boy?' he asks. Peeta nods. Finnick doesn't look very happy. But then he stands up, smiles and slaps Peeta playfully on the arm. 'Welcome, soldier', he says. Peeta frowns. 'He has a nickname for litterally everyone', I whisper. Peeta smiles again and sits next to me. 

I introduce everyone, and end with Annie. 

'And that's Annie', I say. She smiles friendly and holds out her hand. Peeta shakes it and then I hear a voice yelling my name. 

'Katniss!' the voice screams. I look up and see Delly coming towards us. I roll my eyes and stand up. 

'What?' I ask. 'I see you've already dragged Peeta into your little group?' she says with a devilish smile. I nod. 'Yes, so?' I ask. She doesn't look at me anymore, she looks at Peeta as he stands up to. Her eyes widen and she steps a little bit closer to Peeta. 

'Wow, you look even better than I remember', she says. Peeta frowns. 'But we've sat together one hour ago', he says. Delly laughs. 'I know silly, anyway, why are you with them?' she asks. Peeta looks quickly at us and then looks at Delly again. 

'Because they're nice', he says. I smile to myself as he says that. 'I'm nice too! Why don't you come sit with me?' Delly asks. I look at Peeta. 

Please, stay. 

I can see that he doubts. 

Peeta P.O.V.

Delly just asked if I want to sit with her. But of course I want to stay with Katniss. But I don't know how to tell her. I don't want to hurt her feelings. 

'Eh...', I start. There's a big smile appearing on Delly's face. 'Well, that's a yes!' she yells as she takes my arm and takes me with her. I look back at Katniss, and I can see that she's down. 

Shit! Do something, man! I say to myself. 

I yank my arm and Delly looks confused at me. 

'What's wrong?' she asks. 'I was actually in a conversation', I say as gently as I can. Delly frowns.
'Why would you want to be in a conversation with them, if I can introduce you to my friends, who are so much nicer than the group you were with', she says.  Now I'm the one frowning. 'Maybe later?' I ask. 'Fine', Delly says, clearly hurt. I turn around and start walking back to the others. To Katniss. I smile at myself. 

'Hello', I say when I sit down next to Katniss. When she looks at me, a really big smile spreads across her face. 'Hello again', she says. I smile to her. 'Glad that you're back man. Being with Delly isn't the most fun, I can tell you', Finnick says. I laugh. 

'She's a whore', Johanna says. The group laughs. 'Johanna isn't that cautious with words', Katniss whispers. Then the bell rings. 
'What lesson do you have?' I ask Katniss. 'History, you?' she says. 'Same', I answer. We walk to the class together and when she takes place next to me, I realize that we're the only one of the group in this lesson. 'They liked geography more', she explains. I nod. I'm actually very happy that we're the only one in this lesson. Now we have some time alone... 

Okay Peeta, you just met her. You're gonna be friends first. And then you'll see what happens. I say to myself. 


Hello, there. 
I hope you liked this chapter. If you have some ideas, let me know! 
Love, -xxx-

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