Chapter 45: Ready

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Peeta P.O.V.

Katniss sits next to me, but she's staring outside the window. I place my hand on her arm.
'Katniss. Wake up', I say jokingly. She shakes her head and looks at me.
'What is it?' I ask. She smiles at me.
'Nothing, I was just thinking about Amy', she says. What is it with that girl?
'Why?' I ask. She shrugs. 'I don't know. I was just wondering why she was looking at us like that', she says. I smile. 'Maybe you're her rolmodel', I say. She rolls her eyes. 'Maybe. But she was probably jealous of me, for being with you', she says smirking. I smile and kiss her cheek.

After another 3 lessons, we're free.
I'm walking with Katniss, Finnick, Annie and Gale. But suddenly Katniss stands still. I turn to her and look in the direction she's looking at.


Katniss starts walking to her and I follow her.
'Hey, everything alright?' Katniss asks. Amy nods and smiles. 'Yeah, but I can't find my classroom', she says. Katniss smiles friendly. 'Where do you have to go?' she asks. 'B2.09', Amy says.
'Oh. You just have to go up the stairs, turn to the right, and then it's the third room on your left side', she explains. Amy nods, thanks Katniss and walks away.

I smile at Katniss and take her hand.
'Well done', I say. She smiles at me and we go home.

Katniss P.O.V.

On our way home, I think about Amy. She's different. I like her. She has a look on her face wich makes me think she looks right through me. Just like Peeta.
Speaking about him... He's on his way to the door and lets me go in before him.

I think about that weird feeling again and feel a sort of desire inside of me.
As soon as Peeta closes the door behind us, I crash my lips onto his. He seems taken aback by this, but he does kiss me back. I wrap my arms around his neck, but my hands soon start running through his hair.
His hands find their way on my back, and I don't mind it at all.

When we have to break the kiss, because we're breathless, he looks at me with a questioning glance.
'What did I deserve that for?' he asks. I smile shyly.
'I did it for myself', I say. He smiles at me. He kisses my cheek and nose and then looks at me again.
'I think I'm gonna paint for a while', he says. I nod. He walks out of the room and I breathe out.

I feel that desire again. What is it with me?
But I do want more. I go upstairs, into our bedroom and walk to my closet. I open the drawer and take out one of the lingerie sets. The turquoise one. I haven't wear them in a while, because I was scared, but I think I'm ready now.

I put it on and look at myself in the mirror. I don't like the sight I see, but I do want this. I think. But, what should I wear on top of it? Just a bathrobe? Or my clothes? Or something neat? I sigh. Why do girls have so much trouble? Guys surely have it simpler.
I decide to put a jeans and a buttoned top on. The jeans is tight, but not too tight also. And I think the knots make a sexy effect.
Hear me talking! I seem like a whore! I seem like Delly! I sigh to myself and sit down on the bed. No, Katniss. You're not like Delly. You're just in love. Amd you're gonna do this. Otherwise you never dare. I stand up again and look at myself. The body is okay, now my face.
I decide to put on a little mascara and blush, and to leave my hair loose on my head. I look again. That's as best as it gets. I just hope that Peeta likes it.
But, wait. What if he rejects me? What if he's not ready? And, I don't even have protection! I sigh again deeply. Note to self: Be prepared. I guess it's not happening today...
I open a drawer, to look for my phone, but then I see a little black box. I get it out and gasp to myself.
He has them. He is prepared. And how... I don't really know how to feel now. How long does he have these? How long has he been ready? How long has he been waiting for me to use these? That sounds perverse, I'm sorry. I stare at the box, trying to decide what to do. I put them back into the drawer. At least I know he's ready also. I nod one more time to my mirror image and go out of the room.

I walk over to Peetas painting room and knock softly on the door.
'Yeah?' I hear Peeta say from the other side of the door. I take a deep breath and open the door.
When I look in, Peeta is standing behind his easel, so I can't see him and vice versa.
'What are you painting?' I ask. It takes a while before he answers.
'You', he says. I smile. He gets to paint everything and everyone he wants, but instead he paints me. That's so sweet.
'Will it be pretty?' I ask. I hear him chuckle. 'Yeah, you are always pretty', he says. I feel myself starting to blush.
'Almost done?' I ask, feeling that I'm losing my bravery. 'Yeah, in a minute', he says. I nod and look around the room. He has painted one of the walls too. It's a sunset. Peetas favorite moment and colour. Everywhere I look are paintings. Of landscapes, space, and me. I'm the only person he has painted. For as far as I can see.
'There, all done', I hear Peeta say. I turn my head to the easel again.
Only now his head comes around to see me. I can see that he wants to say something, but the sight of me stops him. I don't know if that's positive or not. His mouth is still a little bit open.

'Why didn't you tell me you looked like that?' he finally says. I giggle.
'You were busy', I say as Peetas feet seem to realize they can move and he walks over to me. 'That could wait. You're more important', he says. I roll my eyes. 'Can I see it?' I ask. Peeta frowns in a not understanding look.
'The painting', I explain. He smiles and nods. I giggle. He even forgot of his own painting he just finished. I take that as a compliment. We walk over to the easel and my jaw drops when I see the painting.
'Peeta...', I say softly. He blushes. It's me, sitting on a rock, above a lake. I have my clothes on, but my shirt falls half off my shoulder. I'm looking to my side, taking a raspberry from its bushes. I'm looking beautiful, seductive and sexy. The opposite of what I really am. But I like it that Peeta sees me this way. That makes me a little more confident.
'It's beautiful', I compliment him. He smiles. I turn to face him and give him a quick kiss.
Then he looks at my outfit again.
'Did I already say that you look absolutely gorgeous, sexy, hot and beautiful. That outfit looks so hot on you. Did I mention hot already?' he says. I chuckle and nod, wich makes him chuckle too.
I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer. I press my lips onto his and give him a loving kiss.
I have to take control. Peeta won't do anything. So I place my hands on his shirt and pull his body closer to me. He's cautious so his hands stay on my waist.
When we break apart, I lean my forehead against his. I place my hand on his on my waist and pull it with me.
I lead it to my lower back close to my buttocks. But Peeta stops me.
'It's okay, I want this', I reassure him. I can see that he doubts. 'Really. It's okay', I say again and I push his hands further down. Peetas resistance becomes weaker and finally he lets me lead him.

When his hands are in the right place, I kiss him again. I pull him with me, to the bedroom, although that's not so easy when you're eyes are closed. So soon we clash into the wall next to our bedroom door. We both laugh and that breaks the tension a bit.
'That went well', Peeta jokes. I smile.
I lay my head back onto the wall and look at Peeta. His clear beautiful blue eyes meet mine. He places his hands next to my head on the wall and leans in. He kisses me softly and one of his hands move from the wall to my waist. He pulls me off the wall and onto his body.
We get into the bedroom and Peeta lays me down on the bed. I pull his body onto mine with his shirt and he starts kissing my neck.

God, I love that feeling.

My fingers start playing with the hem of his shirt. I start to pull it up and Peeta stops kissing me to let me take it off. I take a minute to admire his abs before I pull him down on me again.
'You're so hot', I whisper in his ear. I hear him chuckle. He suddenly pulls away and looks at me.
'When my shirt is off, then yours should be off too. That's only fair', he says. I chuckle.
'Fine, take it off', I say. Now it's starting...

Are you ready for this guys? Or do you want them to wait? Let me know.
Love, -xxx-

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