Chapter 24: New York

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Katniss P.O.V.

I'm sitting in a plane. Everything went so fast. I sat in the car and we went straight to the airport, where Plutarch and Mathew were already waiting for us.

Mathew and I took the first plane to New York and now I'm sitting next to him.

I have tears in my eyes. I miss Peeta. I saw the way he looked when my mother took me away. He looked so sad. I think he even had tears in his eyes too!

I look outside the window and I can feel a tear falling down my face.

'How do you feel?' Mathew asks. I don't look at him. 'What do you think? I was taken away from my friends and my boyfriend and I'm sitting on a plane to New York, where I don't even want to be!' I say.

'So how do you think I feel?' I ask. Now I look at him. He looks down.
'I'm sorry', he says. Wow, I didn't expect that.
'I know you're mad at me. And at your mother. But you have to know that I didn't want this either', he says.

I frown. He didn't want this?

'But why did you do it then?' I ask. Mathew sighs. 'Plutatch pays for my study at the University. He said if I didn't do this, he would stop paying. And I can't afford it myself', he says.

O my God. This is much more complicated than I thought.

'And what now?' I ask. 'I don't know. If I don't hold you in New York...', Mathew says. 'Plutarch won't pay you anymore', I finish. Mathew nods.
I look outside the window again.

'You can be agry with me, you totally have the right to be. The reason I'm all doing this is completely selfish', Mathew says. I sigh.

I want to be angry with him. I really want to. But I can't. I have too much pity for him. Plutarch blackmails him, just to punish me. Even I can't be mad at Mathew for that. This isn't his fault. But I do miss Peeta. I need him and I really miss him.

Another tear is rolling down my face.

Please Peeta, do something.

Peeta P.O.V.

I'm laying on my bed, staring at the ceiling. I've been doing this for the past few hours. I don't feel like doing anything. I know I should, but I just can't. I don't know how I got home.  Finnick already asked a few times if I wanted to go out with him, but I turned it down.

I didn't think that I would miss a girl this much. It may sound reallt cheesy, but she really is my everything, I just realized. I hate my mother and I don't see my brothers that much. I do love my father, but it's not the same as with Katniss.

I sigh. I follow the pattern of the ceiling for the hundred time.

Peeta, you have to do something, I push myself.

I push myself up and I immediately lay down again. I can't do it.

My phone rings. I reach to the mobile and pick it up.

'Hello?' I ask. My voice is really hoarse.
'Hey man, with Finnick. How are you?' I hear.
'Mwa. Not so good. I still miss her', I say.
'That's normal, dude. She has left just a few hours ago', Finnick says.
'Thanks for reminding, man', I say sarcastically. I hear Finnick chuckling.
'Sorry. I think you should sleep a bit. It's very late', he says. I sigh.
'I'll try. Later, man', I say and I hang up.

I lay back on my bed. I crowl under the blankets and try to sleep a bit. But every time I close my eyes, I just see the face of Katniss. Her beautiful grey eyes, that just have their own, special light. Her hair that flows when she walks. Her cheeks that get red when she talks about something she likes. Her mouth that curls up when she sniles. Her soft lips that kiss you very intensively. Her cute little nose that has little freckles on it. Her hands that fit perfectly in mine and wrap automatically around my neck when she hugs me. Her perfect, sexy body that makes my head feel light and my cheeks warm up when I look at it. Her little feet that are always cold.

Just all of her. I see it. I want to feel it, but I can't reach it. I open my eyes and sigh again.

The rest of the night I spend sleeping little bits and staring at the dark. Thinking about her.


Poor Peeta... And what did you think of Mathews story?
Let me know your opinion!
Love, -xxx-

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