Chapter 26: Never Have I Ever

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Peeta P.O.V.

The call with Katniss really was good for me. I'm feeling much better, just to have heard her voice. I know she's doing well now.

But how could she think that I would want to move on? I don't think she realizes how much I care about her.

I'm feeling better when I'm playing midgetgolf with the others. I can even enjoy the game.

Afterwards, we're sitting on a table in Johannas backjard. Finnick has won, of course, and can't stop telling us how proud he is of himself.
'Who's the man?' he asks. We all laugh and Johanna slaps him playfully on the arm.

'So now what?' Annie asks. We all think for a minute.
'Let's play Never Have I Ever', Johanna says. Finnicks eyes light up.
'Yeah!' he yells. I sigh. Finnick and his stupid games...

Johanna runs into the house and comes back with marshmallows.
We all get ten and start to play. Because it's Johannas house, she gets to begin.

'Never Have I Ever, been in love', she says. Finnick, Gale, Annie and I take a marshmallow and eat it. I wonder if Katniss is the one Gale was in love with.

Finnicks turn.
'Never Have I Ever, had sex', he says. I roll my eyes. Typical Finnick. Only he and Annie eat a marshmallow.

Next. Annie.
'Never Have I Ever, been beaten up', she says. I feel my cheeks warm up as I put the marshmallow in my mouth, but fortunately, Gale also eats one.

Gales turn.
'Never Have I Ever, been drunk', he says laughing, looking at Johanna. She blushes and eats one. Annie also eats one. I'm surprised Finnick doesn't eat one.

My turn.
'Never Have I Ever, eh... skipped class', I say. Finnick starts to laugh. 'Badass', he says sarcastically. I roll ny eyes. Johanna and Gale eat one.

Back to Johanna.
'Never Have I Ever, had family trouble', she says. I eat the marshmallow really quickly and see that Finnick also eats one.

And so it goes on. At some point, I have still six marshmallows, Finnick has four, Annie two, Johanna three, and Gale five. It looks like I'm not so experienced as them.

Its Gales turn again.
'Never Have I Ever, fallen in love with my best friend', he says, looking down. I eat one, Finnick eats one, and Gale also eats one.

My turn.
'Never Have I Ever, lost someone', I say quiet, thinking about Katniss. She should be here too.
It's obvious that I eat one, but Annie, Johanna and Gale also eat one. Finnick wraps his arm around Annie and kisses her cheek.

Annies turn.
'Never Have I Ever, kissed a girl', she says, smiling at Finnick. She wants him to lose, that's obvious.
So Finnick, Gale and I eat one, but Johanna also eats one. I frown at her.

'What? I was drunk', she says. We all laugh.

Now I have only three marshmallows, Finnick has two, Annie and Johanna both have one, and Gale has also two.

But it's Finnicks turn. And I just know he's gonna make sure Annie loses.
'Never Have I Ever, kissed a boy', he says with a smirk. Annie rolls her eyes and eats one. Johanna also eats one.
'I'm out', she says. 'Me too', Annie reacts.

'Well, now you have to do a commission', Finnick says with an evil voice. The girls look at eachother.

'What do we have to do?' Johanna asks. Finnick looks from to girls, to Gale, to me, and back to the girls.
'You have to strip for us', he says. My jaw drops. 'Finnick!', Gale yells. 
'Relax, not completely naked, just to the underwear', Finnick says. I don't say anything, just because I can't. I can't believe Finnick is making them do this. 

'You're kidding right?' Johanna asks. Annie nods. 'I thought you only wanted to see me in my underwear', she says devilishly. Finnicks cheeks get red. 'There you got me', he says, kissing her cheek again. I smile. I'm glad he didn't go further with that. 

'What now, they still have to do something', Gale says. Finnick thinks. 'Maybe... They can buy us food?' I say. Finnick thinks about that. Gale smiles. 'Yes, that's a good idea, Peeta. For the next two days, you're going to do everything we want', Finnick says eventually. That wasn't my idea, but Finnick wouln't be Finnick if he didn't give his own spin about it. 

'As a sort slaves?' Annie asks. Finnick nods and winks at her. The girls look at eachother, roll their eyes and hold up their sholders. 'Fine', they say at the same time. 'But we start tomorrow, at school', Johanna says. Finnick nods. He pulls Annie closer and kisses her. While they make out, Gale and Johanna play a thumb-war. I stand up. 

'Hey, where are you going, man?' Finnick asks between the kisses. 'Home', I say simply. Gale looks up. 'Are you alright?' he asks. I nod, trying to convince him. I'm not good at all, but I don't want to show it to them. 'Then why are you leaving?' Finnick mumbles, he can barely breathe. 'Tired, I'll see you guys tomorrow', I say and I walk out of the door. 

I drive home and walk straight to my room. I lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling again. Today went good, until the time Annie and Finnick started to make out with eachother. It made me think of Katniss too much. I was surprised I could handle the questions

I close my eyes and imagine Katniss laying next to me, with her beautiful face and sexy body. I grab one of my other pillows and hold onto it. I know it sounds stupid, and it is, but I can't do any different.


What did you think of this chapter? And if you do have any ideas for the story, let me know!
Love, -xxx-   

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