Chapter 3: The Meeting

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Katniss P.O.V

I'm sitting in class, talking to my friends, as the teacher tries to get the attention of the group. I look at him and then I know for sure my heart stopped beating for a second.

'O my God', I whisper. 'What?' Annie asks. 'Look. That boy over there. O my God', I say. I look at the boy standing next to the teacher. He is so hot. His curly ashblond hair is a little bit messy. He wears a white v-neck T-shirt so I can see his muscled arms. And he's got these wonderful, deep blue eyes that pop out right in front of your face.

I can't hear what the teacher is saying because I'm too concentrated on the boy. I have to keep my mouth from drooling.

When the teacher is done, he clears his throat. The boy looks up, a bit confused, and the group around me starts laughing. I can see that the boy starts to blush and I can't help myself but smile. He quickly looks at me and then looks away. He's so cute.

He walks over to the other side of the classroom and sits next to Delly. She can be really sweet, but she can also be a real whore.

The rest of the lesson I spend spying on the new boy.

'What's his name?' I ask. Annie smiles at me.
'He said mr. Mellark, but I don't know his first name, he didn't mention it', she says. I nod. Mr. Mellark. Mrs. Mellark. Would he have a girlfriend? I think he does. He could've.

Katniss! Stop it! I say to myself.

I quickly look at my agenda and pretend like I look at my homework, what I don't have yet.

After class we have gym. I'm in the girls' dressingroom and I'm very nervous. I feel something tickling in my stomach and my head hurts.

Okay, Katniss. Be cool. Just, be cool.

I walk into the gymnasium with Annie. He isn't here yet, I think. Annie and I walk to the wall and Annie leans againt it. Then I see him. He's coming from behind the shiftable wall. I hold my breath. He looks soooo good in his gym outfif. He wears the schools uniform, but somehow it fits him very well. I can see his muscled arms again. But because of the shorts, I can see his leg muscles also. My knees feel weak. I think I'm gonna faint.

When I think he looks at me, I quickly look away. Was he looking at me? He probably wasn't. But I don't dare to look back at him again. Annie smiled amused at me.

'What?' I ask. 'You like him', she says. I feel the heat spreading through my face. 'No! Not at all, what are you thinking?' I defend myself. But I feel something in my stomach again. I sigh.


Peeta P.O.V.

We have gym now. I put on the gym outfit from the school and I hope it looks good. I walk into the gymnasium. Some woman is walking towards me.

'Hello, are you Peeta Mellark?' she asks. I nod and smile gently. 'Welcome. Can you please put the shiftable wall down?' she says. I nod again and start walking to the switch. I put the wall down and come back in from behind it.

There she is. She's standing by the wall with her friend. I feel my hands getting wet and I'm getting very nervous.

Dude! Act normal!

I try to walk as normal as I can to the bench against the other wall. She looks at me.

Smile! Just smile to her! But my face doesn't do what I say. She has already turned her face back to her friend. Shit! Well done, my friend. My stupid friend...

'We're going to play basketball this lesson', the coach says. I smile. I'm good at that. I hope I can make a good inpression on that girl.

You don't even know her name, Stupid!

I wave away the voice in my head as I listen to teh coach making the teams. She points at me. 'Team one', she says. I stand up and walk over to team one.

Then she points at the beautiful girl. 'Team two.' Shit. I play against her. The leader of my team, some guy named Finnick, divedes the pairs. 'You, Mellark guy, you cover that gril', he says, pointing at... The beautiful girl! I cover her! Thank God!

The match begins and I keep up pretty good with that girl. I'm surprised I can concentrate so good. I mean, she's so beautiful...

Too late! She has passed me with the ball and runs towards our basket. At the last minute I try to stop her from shooting put she turns so she can score.

'Point team Johanna', coach says. The girl gives her red haired friend, the one she was talking to before, a high-five.

When the game ends, I try to talk to the girl. I grab her wrist and she looks at me, a bit confused.

'Well done, that shot', I say as normally as I can. She smiles to me, making my head feel light. Oh... That smile...


Katniss P.O.V.

'Well done, that shot', he says. I can't help but smile. Then I realize, that he's still holding my wrist! I look at it and quickly he lets go.

Great job, Katniss.

'Thanks', I say. He smiles. My knees feel weak again. I hold out my hand. 'Katniss', I say, hoping that he'll tel me hís name. He takes my hand and shakes it. 'Peeta', he answers. Peeta... What a lovely name.

'You have a really beautiful name', Peeta says. I feel that I'm blushing. 'Thanks, you too', I say. He smiles again. 'Katniss? Are you coming?' Annie asks from the girls dressingroom. I sigh. 'Yeah, I'll be right there', I say back to her. I look at Peeta again.
'Guess I'l see you later, then?' I ask. Peeta smiles and nods. I smile back at him and then he goes into the boys dressingroom. I sigh again and walk over to Annie.

'You ruined the moment!' I say to her. She looks at me, confused. 'What moment?' she asks. 'Mine and Peeta's', I say. 'Peeta?' I blush. 'Thats the ney boy. Peeta Mellark', I say. Annie smiles. 'I'm sorry Kat, but we're gonna be late', she says. I nod.

'Peeta Mellark. What a dumb name', Johanna says. I throw my shirt to her. 'Shut up! It's a lovely name!' I say. She throws back my shirt. 'Ieuw, keep your dirty, sweaty shirt with you, please', she says. I laugh and keep on dressing myself.


Hey guys!
I know, it's a long chapter, but I really couldn't stop writing. #sorrynotsorry

Hope you liked it!

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Love, -xxx-

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