Chapter 2

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After the shock about the diary I hushed into the living room across the hall, searching for the photo Ally talked about earlier.

I began to become desperate. I just couldn't find it.

Looking everywhere I finally found a framed picture, just like Ally described it. 

I turned it around so I could see the actual photo. 

I was shocked by what I saw. The family on the photo was in fact really pretty. Not just that. They were gorgeous.

There were two adult people, I assumed they were married and the third person on the picture was the prettiest of them. She was a little girl, by her looks I'd say she was 14 or 15 years old when they made it. 

If you looked closely you could see her eyes. They were bright green and I bet they were even more beautiful by now. 

The woman, her mother, seemed to be pregnant and the family looked really happy, smiling in the camera.

I couldn't believe what I saw when I turned it upside-down again.

I could read the day the photo was made. 

27 July 1815

I gasped. The picture was more than 200 years old so it was definetly not from the owners that were here before us.

I turned it around once again, wanting to learn more about this family.

But when I turned around I felt electricity flying through my whole body.

The picture was different now.

Compeletely different. The parents both didn't smile no more. They held their pointer fingers in front of their lips, motioning a "Shh" sound.

I looked at the little girl and she still smiled, even bigger than earlier.

Her smile was not even on a level that it could be compared to any other smile. It was so big her face would rip itself of if it was the littlest bigger. She literally grinned from one ear to another.

Her eyes were not green anymore. They were just white. You couldn't see any color in it. Just blanc white eyeballs.

It looked scary, a cold breeze coated my tiny body and I didn't dare to move.

After a while I just left the photographic where I found it and went into my room.

I made myself a home and packed out everything I needed.

After I finished everything and I could finally call this room mine I sighed happily and let myself fall down on the bed.

I fell on something hard. I picked up my blanket to see what it was.

Again, I was shocked. 

It was the diary Dinah found today. 

I thought the others probably wanted to prank me, putting the diary in my room so I just giggled a little and put it on my little cabinet next to my bed.

When I looked down on the cabinet I recognized the teddy bear which I threw away. It laid down there where I found it when I first came in here.

"Funny prank girls." I thought and laid back again.

After a few moments I thought about the diary. 

I took it from my cabinet and played with the thought of reading it.

"Fuck it, I'll try."

I opened the black book, excited and scared.

"Property of Lauren Michelle Jauregui"

So that was the name of the girl who wrote this. I continued reading...

"28 of June 1815,

Mother Clara finally accepted me to have a diary! I am so happy. Mother Clara and Father Mike never got the idea of writing memories down, I did. I picture my adult self with it, or my children one day.

Let me introduce myself first. 

My name is Lauren Michelle Jauregui and I just turned 15 yesterday. I got this book for my birthday. They are really expensive and I was really glad I got this. It looks nice. Of course, it's just black but I still think it looks cool. I already enjoy writing in it. 

Mother Clara and Father Mike are expecting a baby soon. I am finally getting a sibling! It's going to be a boy, the doctor told Mother. I am okay with it. I think his name is going to be Christian or Christopher, something like that. 

I have to go and wash our clothes down by the river now. Expect to hear from me soon!"

I needed a moment to organize my thoughts after reading that.

I assumed the family on the picture was Lauren with her parents. 

But the teddy bear could not be hers, could it?

She was already 15 when she wrote that and we've been told to be the second family to live here. 

Maybe the stuffed animal belonged to her brother, since her mother was pregnant with a baby boy. 

I wanted to find out about Lauren and her family.

It was kind of weird because they're all dead by now since it was 200 years ago, still there was something really strange that calmed be about the situation.


A/N Second chapter :) 

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