Chapter 22

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I knew that it wasn't possible for Lauren to write the letter while I was on my way here because she didn't leave the house and she would not open her own grave anyway.

Yet, I kind of had the feeling that it actually was her who wrote it, because I don't think the men would achieve anything by writing such a small letter.

But behind that small letter, there was a greater meaning. I knew what she was talking about earlier now.

I am bringing her back to life, kind of. I am making her bleed, and I am making her cry, I make her laugh and I make her smile.

That got me thinking, but I couldn't concentrate on that thought right now. My beloved friends were still gone and they were not at Laurens grave, like she said.

Shortly, I thought about informing the police about it, but I couldn't do that since, well, what should I tell them? "Hey can you help me my friends have been kidnapped by men who want to torture my ghost friend?"

I was frustrated, and then, my glance fell on the other two graves. What if?

No, nobody would be sick enough to do that, right?

And I would not open the graves of two long dead people.

Then, I heard a scream, a terrible, thrilling scream.

I began to ran and when I saw what happened, I couldn't help but scream aswell.

(TRIGGER WARNING: RAPE AND VIOLENCE, scroll until you find the other big font, stay safe, luv u)

It was Normani, she was tied to a tree and her body was exposed. In front of her was a rather short man, forcing himself on to her. When he noticed me, he ran away and chuckled, which made my anger built up even more.

I ran towards my crying friend, took of my jacket and put it on her naked body after I untied her.

She was a mess, her dark skin hid all the sins he had made. Every trace of the psychiotic rapist was washed away by the beauty of her skin, which was not glowing now like it always does.

She knew, she knew she couldn't say anything to prove his actions and she knew nobody would believe her. I held her in my arms, ready to be there for her, but she stopped me.

"We have to find Ally", she said.

"And Dinah."

"And Dinah?"

"Dinah is gone aswell, and I don't know where they are, Lauren said you're all at her grave but her grave was empty..." 

I decided not to tell her about the letter, as the situation clearly was confusing enough.

"You opened her grave?" Mani exclaimed, looking shocked as ever.

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