Chapter Thirteen

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Picture is of Landon Liboiron, who plays Monday's boyfriend Jake. This chapter is just a filler chapter, but I hope you like it and vote/comment anyway. ♥



Beep. Beep. Beep.

Where the hell am I? Why are there all these wires attached to me? Why… why does my head hurt?

I groaned.

Why do I hurt?

I tried to sit up, but my stomach hurt too much. I felt like I was going to puke.

I really looked around the room I was in. I was in a hospital? What the hell happened?

Just then, a short round woman walked into my room wearing navy scrubs. She smiled at me and said, “Hi I’m your nurse, Jenna. Are you feeling okay? Do you need morphine? How about some water?”

“What happened?” I asked.

“You got shot in the stomach,” she told me. “By the time the ambulance got there, you already lost a lot of blood. We weren’t sure you were going to make it.”

“Why don’t I remember?” I asked her.

“You hit your head really hard when you collapsed on the ground,” Jenna explained. “You have a slight case of amnesia.”

“I do?” I asked.

“What’s your name?” she asked me.

“Shawna Duncan,” I told her.

“Who was with you the night of the shooting?” she asked.


Just then a gorgeous blonde haired, blue eyed man walked into my room. He had bandages around his left shoulder and he was in a hospital gown as well. There was something about this man that really got my heart beating fast.

“Shawna,” he breathed.

“Do I know you?” I asked him.

The man looked at Jenna fearfully. “Shawna, it’s me. Charlie.”

“Charlie…?” I asked.

His shoulders slumped. “Charlie Harrison, your boyfriend.”

My eyes all but popped out of my head, “You’re my boyfriend? But… but… you’re so out of my league!”

Charlie chuckled, “No, I’m out of your league.”

“I’ll leave you two alone,” Jenna said and walked out.

“So… if you’re my boyfriend, how serious are we?” I asked him.

He sat down on the edge of my bed, “Pretty serious.”

“Are we in love?” I asked.


“Have we had sex?” I asked fearfully. What if I couldn’t remember how to do it?!

“No,” Charlie chuckled.

I sighed with relief; I won’t have to worry about forgetting how to have sex, “Have we kissed?”

“Oh,” he said huskily. “We’ve kissed.”

“What else have we done?” I asked him.

“Well,” he smiled and his eyes glinted. “We’ve done a little of this,” he kissed my forehead. “A lot of this,” he kissed my mouth. “Some of this,” he kissed me with tongue. “And only once have I done this,” he wiggled his fingers.

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