Comatose in the Communist Cold

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It had been almost two full days before Toris allowed Ivan and Alfred to see Matthew. The Canadian nation was still in a coma like state, frozen to the touch. Ivan and Alfred both stayed at Matthew's side. Ivan had great concerns for Matthew, especially with the ice storm that had been ravaging his country back west. 

Things like this had happened before, yes, where a country grew ill because of a storm attacking their land. Alfred had gotten ill from a huge drought that hit during the 1930's, and he remained ill for almost ten years. Even Ivan had a snow storm back in 2014 that had him in bed for almost a week. Still, as Ivan and Alfred sat in the room, looking to the shivering canadian, they both had at least one thing in common. They wanted the dear canadian nation to get better... even though they both had different ambitions as to whether or not he should stay or go back home. 

Toris had been playing nanny of sorts, making sure Matthew was warm, bringing him warm clothes and setting them on his forehead every half an hour or so. Some help Ivan and Alfred were being- They were simply getting in his way of taking care of the blonde, even though they were both remaining mostly silent. 

It was only when Alfred made a run for the bathroom that Toris spoke up, ever so quietly, to Ivan. 

"You know it's Valentine's tomorrow. " Ivan perked up a little at this. He had no doubt been having feelings for Matthew, and the minute Matthew woke up Ivan wanted to let him know. Maybe... maybe he'd wake up by then? Ivan could surprise him with some gifts, a nice dinner... everyone would be happy, and Ivan would be able to confess. 

"Tori, would you... would you mind watching him and calling me if anything happens?" Ivan asked as he stood. " I... I want to make tomorrow special, da? " This, of course, made Toris smile. Perhaps they would soon become a couple, like in those cheesy romantic movies. Maybe even like Toris' favourite romance movie, The Summer of Sangaile. 

" Of course, Ivan. Besides, I suspect Alfred will head off to spend Valentine's with his significant other." Toris took the clothe off of Matthew's forehead, and replaced it with a warm one as he spoke, petting Kumajirou gently and letting him see the fish covered plate on the floor. Kumajirou got up, stretched and let out a rumbly sort of yawn, before getting down off the bed to eat. Ivan standing and leaning over Matthew quickly, he pushed the cloth aside before gently kissing his forehead, tender lips burning hot against gentle skin. 

"I'll be back, Mattvey. I promise. " Ivan made his way from the room, and Toris had to grab the old cloth to stop his nosebleed. 

Alfred came back minutes later, his hair scruffy and looking somewhat exhausted. Leaning against the door jam, Alfred did a little finger gun at Toris. 

"Hey, Tory, dude, I, uh, I have to skedaddle, I, uh, I have plans for Valentines... Call me if anything happens, kay broski?" Toris nodded, and Alfred didn't waste a second heading off. 

That left Toris, Kumajirou, and Matthew by themselves. Toris let out a tiny sigh as he finished cleaning up the blood. Despite having extensive medical training, he still had no idea when Matthew would get better. The coma like state had kept the Canadian unconscious for almost three days, and the weather forecasts he had tuned in to from the Canadian nation said the storm didn't look like it was going to end any time soon. Would Valentine's be successful for Ivan, or would Matthew still be comatose throughout the day of love? 

Either way, Toris had to clean up the mess of fish bones and blood on the floor, from Kumajirou's snack before the room started to smell. 

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