He asked, eyes slitting only slightly. A sign of intimidation.
I nodded, a smile threatened
My lips as I saw his shocked face.

"I didn't think you, or Glory could find the healer! I mean, NO ONE did!! I mean your only a earth dragon!"

He laughed cruelly, letting his laughter echo through the valley.

"Why are you here Agrona?"

I asked impatiently. Now it was my turn to let my pupils slither it tiny slits. A growl formed at the bottom of my throat.

"I'm here to...to well- the queen wants me to find out where Glory is. I was hoping you would know."

It seemed like he choked on the last words. I growled, but held in my anger and said,

"No. I don't know where he is. He should of been back by now."

Agrona looked to the ground as if he had failed the queen.

"He will show up."

I assured him. He nodded, as he looked at the ground.
We turned to face the edge of the valley where the scream came from, then we looked down. Horror taken over, we flew down to the bottom of the canyon, and landed outside of a circle of dragons. They murmured words like
"Was he murdered?"

We pushed our way through the crowd and found an elemental dragon, in human form.
Blood poured out of the crack in his skull. Two stab looking wounds stained his shirt where his heart had just been beating.

I felt Agrona tremble with fear.
" h-h-he w-was m-m-m-murdered!"
He whispered.
I nodded as I examined the body.

"He was dead before he fell."
Or was he pushed? We all turned as the queen walked down to the body. Her eyes widened as she realised who it was. The boy looked young, about 14 I had seen him at EDA (elemental dragon academy) he was Sapphire's friend. Oh no. How do I tell Sapphire?
"It's flicker."
The queen pouted. A silver tear fell from her cheek, landing on Flicker's cheek. She then whispered,
"May you make it to the dragon keepers home, and look down upon us knowing that you did make a difference."

We stand there as the body fades away. Twisting and twirling up into the night sky.

"Clean up the blood!"

The queen ordered as she flew back to her cave. Three water dragons flew to the front of the circle, and blasted the blood away with their watery breath.

Agrona and I walked through the quiet parts of the valley, both of us in deep thought.
"Ya think the queen knows he was m-murdered?"
Asked Agrona. I thought about it for a moment and responded,
"Yes. She wouldn't say it in front of everyone but...she knows."
A moment of silence passed over us.
"I have to go back to my daughter."
I said and without waiting for a reply, I flew off, up to my cave.

"What took you so long?!"
Asked Sapphire looking worried.
"Uh... Just some work stuff."

She glared at me. She always knew when I was lying.
I sigh and said,
"Agrona wanted to know where Glory is."


Crap. She doesn't believe me.

"And that took..."

She pretended to count on her fingers sarcastically.

"Three hours?"

"I-I don't think I'm the one to tell you."

I stuttered. I looked around for Dylan. He wasn't there.

"Is Dylan in bed?"

"No. He's bathing."

I nodded and walked off.


I turned to face her.
"You will tell me what happened. Won't you?"

I walked over to the table and sat down. I rubbed my temples trying to cease my headache. I nodded and moved my finger, beckoning her over.
She sat down. I sighed, already picturing how she would react.

"While I was talking to Agrona, s-someone fell..."

Her eyes widened in shock.

"But why didn't they turn into a dragon and fly?"

She asked.

"H-he was d-d-dead before he fell. We flew down to see who he was..."
I put my hand on her shoulder and finished,
"It was Flicker."
Her eyes swelled with tears. She tried to wipe them away but they kept on coming, rolling down her cheeks.
I helped wipe them away, then I got up and pulled her into my arms, feeling her body shudder with each deep breath. Her cries deepened and I felt her tears soak into my shirt. I patted her back, trying to sooth her.

"It's alright sweetie. We'll find out who did this."

I whispered.

Who would kill Flicker? Why would they kill an innocent boy?


I couldn't sleep. He is-was my best friend. Who would wanna kill someone as sweet and funny as Flicker? I just can't grasp the thought that he's dead. I rolled over, trying to think of anything other than Flicker. I slowly drifted into sleep.

I was flying, being chased by Flicker. He laughs as I fly through a cloud. I cough , and yell,
"It not funny! Clouds taste disgusting!" My voice seemed distant and unreal, like a ghost.

He laughs again. I grin as I dive to the ground with Flicker on my tail. I start to spin, shooting purple and orange fireballs. I spread my wings, and catch the wind and let it shoot me back into the sky. Flicker growls, and stops just below me. Suddenly, blood appears on his snout, and he transforms into a human falling, lifeless to the ground. I scream, as I tried to catch up to him, maybe I could catch him. He hits the ground, blood splatters everywhere. It comes out his nose, mouth and ears. I can't stop screaming.

I sat up, my throats was throbbing. I had screamed for real. My cheeks were stained with tears. My Dad sat on the side of my bed, and Dylan was standing outside the door.

"Are you alright sweetie?"
My Dad asked.


I manage to say, wiping my eyes. I sniffed and looked at Dylan, sadness in his eyes.

"Does he know?"

I asked my dad. He nodded looking to Dylan then back at me.

"Try and gets some rest sweetie. You have EDA in the morning. If you want to go."

I nodded as he kissed me on the forehead. Then he stood and walked out. Dylan walked up to me. I gave him a small smile as if to say I'm ok.

"I didn't know him."

He mumbled his hazelnut brown eyes never leaving mine.

"But Mount told me that he is-was your friend and I-I'm sorry."

I gave him a short sweet smile and beckoned him to sit. Awkwardly, he sat on the edge of the bed.

"I won't bite."
I laughed as he almost fell off the bed. Trust Dylan to somehow make me laugh. He chuckles softly and asked,
"What is EDA?"
"Oh that's Elemental Dragon academy. It's the place we go to, to learn how to fly, breath fire and use our abilities."
He grins and said
I let out a yawn and I rubbed my eyes.
" I'll let you get some rest."
I smile to him as he leaves the room, my eyes never leaving his until he rounds the corner, out of sight.

Elemental Dragons (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now