Chapter 19- Kicked Out Again

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The court house is filled with adults to children, the room being so full that some people are standing at the back.

Me however, I'm standing right in front of the men I stood in front of on my first day here.

"Petra, we gave you what you asked for. You were allowed to stay in this town and you lied to us all." Frederick growls.

Some of the people in the audience are angry as hell, but others are actually sad.

"I know I lied. But I didn't think you would even consider letting me stay if I said anything." I say, feeling overwhelmed as everyone stares at me.

Fredrick give me a glare from the podium.

"You are a no good theith, and you have everyone thinking otherwise." He growls, his brown eyes staring into my own.

A lump rises in my throughout, wishing I had just stayed silent.

"We have already decided what to do with you Petra." Fredrick growls, making my mind reel.

The mad people seem to want them to turn me in, but others scream for them to just let me leave.

"We have decided to banish you from the town of Multoru. For as long as you live." He growls.

My head drops, fighting the urge to let my tears fall.

I simply nod, understanding what this means for me.

I turn to leave, my heart breaking in two as I walk down the long isle between the pews.

Some of the little kids from the campfire when I first got here stare at me in sadness, I can't bare to look at them.

Once I leave the room, the door slamming behind me, a tear drizzles down my cheek.

"You said yourself this would happen Petra. Since the moment you got here you basically talked about leaving, I don't get why your so upset." Tucker's voice says in a mocking tone.

The way he mocks me cuts deep, and another tear drops from my eye.

"Why are you acting like this?" I ask, my voice shaking.

He chuckles as people start to flood from the room, seeing what's going on.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." He states, a smirk on his face.

My heart is breaking as I stare at the one person I thought would be by my side no matter what.

"I thought you would-" he cuts me off.

"What? Understand? What can be understood about being a liar and a theith?" He taunts, making me feel the anger and sadness well up to capacity in my body.

I take a step closer, not caring about everyone who is listening.

"You know, I thought you were different from most guys, but your just like the rest of them." I growl, turning and walking towards the large double doors.

"What am I?" He asks, sounding like he wants to hear the worst I can say.

I won't give him the worst though, so I simply turn and stare at his chocolate eyes that I only now realize make my heart melt.

"You're a jerk." I spit, walking out of the court house.

I run down the stairs, rushing to the mansion.

The door is now closed, making me burst through it.

Right now it feels as if my heart has been torn out completely, a feeling I'm not very familiar with.

Lindee hears the door and runs down the stairs, a wrapped up present in hand.

"What happened?" She asks, seeing me taking my bags from the wall.

"They banished me. I have to leave." I mutter, slinging my bag on my shoulder.

She is obviously upset, but then something else comes to her mind.

"What about Tucker? Didn't he fight for you to stay?" She asks, holding desperately onto my shoulders.

I pull away from her, walking out the door with her right behind me.

"He wasn't even in the room, and then after I was banished.... He..... He basically mocked me." I mumble, walking along the dirt road.

Her blue eyes look like an ocean as tears well up.

"That doesn't make sense. He really likes you. He wouldn't do that." She says, almost like she is trying to convince herself of that.

I sigh, reaching the barn and pushing open the double doors.

"Well, he did do it Lindee. And now I have to leave. I don't think I want to stay here much longer anyway....." I trail off as I put Spirit's saddle on.

Lindee realizes that there is no arguing, so she walks over, holding out the light blue present.

"Here. I wanted you to have this." She says, making me smile lightly.

I open it up carefully, not wanting to rip the wrapping.

Inside is a flat box, and it folds open, my smile growing.

"I've S's even you always blowing your hair out of your face, so I thought, hey, why not give her something to hold it back." She says, sounding like good old Lindee.

The bandana is a similar color to my jacket, which is great considering it will blend in.

"Thank you Lindee. I'll never forget you." I whisper, hugging the younger girl.

I feel her tears against my cheek, making me wish I could either stay or take her with me just to make her stop crying, but both are not possible.

"I'll never forget you either." She says, pulling away.

I give her a small nod before getting on the saddle.

"Stay strong Lindee, and trust me when I tell you that this place has many secrets. You should try to find some of them out with your friends." I say with a wink.

She smiles brightly at the idea.

I let Spirit slowly walk to the gate with Lindee staying in toe with us.

"So, I guess this is goodbye." She says as I hit the lever and open the gate.

A simple smile.

"I hate goodbyes. How about, see ya later instead?" I ask making Lindee nod to me.

We share one last look as some townspeople gather by the gate.

Most of them are kids, but nothing like this has ever happened.

"See you later." I say before turning and letting Spirit bolt out of the gate.

As he rides over the odd bridge I feel like I'm being torn in half as I leave the town, but I drop it, letting Spirit charge through the tall grass.......

Off to a new town far from here.

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