Chapter 9- Into The Darkness

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I strap a belt with rings onto my waist.

Onto the belt I hook on rope, a flashlight, a box of matches, a controller for Mig, and a tazer.

Yes, I'm bringing a tazer into a place likely filled with dead stuff.

But where there is dead things, there is something to kill them.

"Petra? You home?" Tucker's voice sounds from the door.

Before I can take a step out of my bedroom Mig runs past me.

"I'll get it!" He says, making me run after him.

"No!" I shout, but its too late, mainly because Mig opened the door and I was still coming down the stairs.

I face palm, as Tucker gapes.

"Hello kind sir! What do you want with the girl who made me?" He asks, making me want to bang my head against a wall.

Note to self, put an intelligence chip into Mig.

"You made a robot?" He asks, sounding like he can't believe his eyes.

I nod, my face still in my hand.

"That's awesome!" He exclaims, making me surprised.

The door closes behind him as he looks over Mig.

"Where did you find this metal? Its very rare." He inquires, making me surprised.

Wow, so I made Mig out of rare, hard to find metal.

"It was behind one of the doors." I answer, looking down to see my bandages need to be changed on my hand.

Tucker notices it immidiatly.

"What's that?" He asks, walking over.

I got to put my hand behind my back, not really wanting to make him fuss, but he takes my hand in mine and takes the bandage off.

The gash is still open, and a bit of blood still leaks out.

"How did this happen Petra." He asks, looking up at me with his brown eyes.

Ugh, those eyes.

Why is it that I can't lie to the people here?

"It came from one of the locked doors upstairs." I mutter, hating that I can't lie to him.

My lie was simply to say I cut my hand on the zombie horse's bones.

Seems logical.

Too late now though.

He frowns down at it.

"Come on, let me fix this up before you go mountain climbing?" He asks, laughing slightly.

I roll my eyes and follow him into the kitchen.

He brings out new bandages and what looks like a bottle of rubbing alcohol.

"Oh. This stuff." I say, remembering the one time I used it.

I remember how much the bubbling of the liquid on my skin.

He takes a cloth and soaks part of it in the rub, looking at my hand.

As he rubs it on I feel the slight sting, but it isn't as bad as I've been hurt before.

"Doesn't this hurt?" He asks, keeping his eyes on my hand as he carefully wraps the white bandages around the cut.

I shake my head.

"Pain isn't really a huge thing for me." I answer, shrugging slightly.

He sighs.

"There is so much I need to learn about you." He says, a tone in his voice that puts a tiny smile on my face.

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