~30 - No Control~

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A/N~ *Warning! Unedited!*

I tried.

I did.

But, I can't control myself.


-School Hallway-

-Hunt's POV-

Closing my locker, I shifted on my feet.

I wonder if she's done yet?, I thought.

I scoffed in my mind.

I sound like a clingy boyfriend. I'm not and never will be clingy.

Shifting in front of my locker again, I felt a familiar buzz in the back of my trousers.

Sighing, I moved my hand to my back pocket and grabbed my phone.

When I pressed the home button of my iPhone 6S, I typed in my password. It used to be 'JackysBoy' per my ex-girlfriends request but now its 'JH' per my inner-soul's request. Clingy boyfriend, I scoffed. That's exactly what I'm turning into and I'm not even her boyfriend yet.

I swiped down on my iPhone and saw my notifications list.

Facebook Notifications-

Jordan posted and tagged Jase Batcher  - 'Jay became one of the bro's'

Jax posted and tagged you - 'I'll kill you if you lied, Hunt.'

Xavier tagged you and several others - 'My crew walking into school like the bad asses we are B3'

I scoffed at Jax's post. The only reason he added me and I accepted was because he threatened me into it. He said he wanted his best friend to be safe, but I know the real reason.

Deleting the notifications, I scrolled down more.

Twitter Notifications-

TroyTheBeast- 'What shit is goin down in the hallway >:I'

Ty'sTheName- 'Crowd in the hallway, Help! ouo'

JaydenSmartass posted and tagged you and several others with a picture- 'Do we know them?'

Laughing shortly at Jayden's name that he was forced to use as his username because he lost at a bet before I scrolled down and looked at the picture he posted.

It was two girls, they were grabbing each others hair and it looked seriously matted, zooming in on the picture I couldn't really make anything out. One of their faces were hidden, But shit did it look serious. I noted one of the girls was Jacky.

Rolling my eyes at the picture on my screen, I questioned why I dated a bitch like her in the first place.

I wonder which subordinate she's lashing out on this time?

Replying to Jayden's post with- 'One of them is Jacky :I'

Going back to my notifications page, I noticed that YouTube had sent me one as well.

Clicking on it, It opened up the app and loaded what was said to be 'Trending' or the top video that has the most current views.

It was a live stream video, a new thing that was added to YouTube a while ago. The title didn't give off much except 'MUST WATCH!!!'.

The Girl Fighting Love ✔️ {Under Editing}Where stories live. Discover now