Eevee's choice.

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I had continued on to Celadon City, and when I got there... what a sight!

Now, I'm not really one for flowers but even I could admit that this town was beautiful, even with the tacky colour everywhere.

The first thing that caught my eye was a very tall building, unfortunatley the door was locked so I checked for other entrances.

I went around the back and the door was open, there seemed to be a lobby so I guessed it was a hotel.

"Vulpix, Pikachu! Come on out!"
I let them out of their Pokeballs, my other Pokemon were a little tired from exploring so I thought these two would have liked to look around a bit.

"Vuuuuul! Vuuuulpix!"
Vulpix yelled at me and Pikachu, signalling that she found some stairs for us.

We went up the stairs and saw a single table and on that table was... a Pokeball?
On it was a note.

I began to skim through the note, only looking at things I found to be important.
Wait, this couldn't be...

I read through it again.

To whichever trainers finds this:

HI! This is Bill the Pokemon Maniac! This Pokeball contains a very rare Pokemon called Eevee. Do you understand this? EEV-EE!

Woah, Leaf looks like you hit the Jackpot!
The voice exclamed.

Anyhow, I already have like, eightof them, so I left this Pokeball for any wandering trainer because... I don't like the day care.

I mean really! Who leaves their Pokemon with complete strangers? Oh wait, that's what I doing now.

I sighed, it was unfortunatley a long letter.

But I digress. You can have this Eevee, I can assure you that she is a wonderful Pokemon, a real softie! So take good care of her!

Hm... I feel like I'm forgetting something...

Oh for the love of...

Oh yes! I remember! Evolution! This Eevee can evolve into three different types of Pokemon. One is water, one is electric and the other us fire. I'll let you decide which one to evolve into.

Just buy one of the stones in the department store.

So then, bye for now!

From: Your friendly Pokemon Maniac, Bill!

PS: She will only eat Cheri Berries.
PSS: I know right? It's weird.

After finishing the letter, I picked up the Pokeball and pushed button and from the red light came the adorable Eevee.

As soon as she saw me, she studied me hard, narrowing her eyes suspisiously. After this she nodded me and tackled me lovingly into the ground.

She was so cute!

"Hey Eevee!" I said to her. "Welcome to my team!"

Eevee looked at Pikachu and Vulpix... and imediatley tackled them too.

I put them all into their Pokeballs and left the building. My next stop was the department store to buy the evolutionary stones.


"Now which ones do I choose..."
I thought, I knew I needed three different ones, but I couldn't remember which ones.

"Hey Leaf!" I turned around to see Blue running up to me, we exchanged a fistbump as he blushed a little.

I swear he's in love with you, Leaf.

Go away! Not now!

"So what are you doing here Blue?"

"What do you think? I'm buying a stone for my Exggecute."
He signaled to his Pokemon that was following him, it just looked like a pile of pink eggs with faces.

He went to the counter.
"Hey, I'll take one Leaf Stone please."
The man nodded, "Certainlty sir, it's your lucky day too. This is the last Leaf Stone in stock."
He handed the small green stone to Blue and Blue payed the man some Pokedollars.
Blue turned to me, "Are you buying anything Leaf?"

I looked at the remaining stones, Water, Fire and Thunder...
These must be the ones.

"I'll take those three stones please!"


Me and Blue sat outside on a bench and I told him how I got Eevee.

Blue couldn't stop laughing, mainly at Bill's antics with the note.

"Wait, so he just left the Pokemon there on the table? And how long was the note exactly?"
He couldn't even supress a giggle. That boy was strange.

Blue's Exggecute had evolved into an Exggecutor, it was a large tree-like Pokemon now, definatley mors threating that the pile of pink eggs.

I layed out the stones on the ground and let Eevee out of her Pokeball, it took a while for her to understand what was happening but she managed to think it through.


"Eeeev... Eevee ee..."
To other Pokemon this probably meant:

"Which one do I choose? I've seen my brothers and sisters in their new forms and they all look so cool! Which one should I be?"

The blue one caught her eye the most, so she placed her paw on it and was enveloped into a blue light.


"She's gonna be a Vapoureon!" I shouted. "That's so cool!"

When the light was gone, there was no more Eevee, but a blue cat like Pokemon with fins on her neck and an elegant fish-like tail that swished around elegantly.
How such a cute Pokemon had turned into something so graceful was beyond her.

The question was... what to do with the other stones?

Pikachu lept onto the Thunderstone and began evolving.

Vulpix picked up the Firestone and began evolving.

In their place was a large cream brown and yellow mouse Pokemon to replace Pikachu and a beautiful fox Pokemon with nine tails instead of six.

Well then. Raichu and Ninetales.

Problem solved.

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