A truly shocking battle!

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A tall tree stood tall in my way. Its leaves shaking in the briny sea air of this city and its bark looking rough and scrappy.
This was the only thing blocking my way to challenge the gym leader, LT. Surge. It was time to try out the HM that the ship captain had given me.

"Meowth, use cut!"
Meowth's left paw's claws grew slightly and began to glow white and with one swift movement, the tree was cut clean in half.

Blue's cocky voice rose up.
"I don't get it. I challenged this gym yesterday, why would they plant a tree to block the way in?"

"I don't know. Maybe they think being clever or something."
I took his hand and dragged him into the gym. I wanted a spectator for this match, just to show Blue how tough I really was!

We made it inside the gym where at the end of the room, a tall, blond and handsome muscular man stood at the end of the yellow tinted hall. He wore army gear and a pair of shades. He turned around and sneered at me.

"Hey, kid! What do you think you're doing here? You won't live long in combat! Not with your puny power!"

I just stared at him in shock. For a handsome guy, he sure was a jerk!
"Who do you think you are?" I yelled. "I'm a lady you know, I deserve to be treat like one!"

I turned to look at Blue. Usually at this point he'd be sniggering, but he just scowled at Surge and narrowed hus eyes.

Surge laughed at me then darkened his eyes, whilst tilting his shades.
"And a lady you are miss, tell me, once I beat you... maybe we could hang out for a little while. After you dump this pipsqueak over here."
He pointed at Blue.

Blue's face turned to a cheri berry red and he marched straight towards Surge with his fists clenched tight.
"You leave her alone!" He spat. "Leaf is gonna beat you down to the ground! Show him what you're made of, Leaf!"

I nodded and ran to then end of the battlefield, getting my first Pokeball ready. Surge went to the other side and got his ready. His snapped hus fingers and the lights dimmed. The sides of the battlefield were surrounded by electric fences and power pylons.

Maybe I could use this to my advantage.

He threw his Pokeball into the air and from the red light came a metalic floating ball Pokemon with a large beady eye, a screw on top and giant magnets attached to each side.

"An electric type, but also part steel..."
It would be tough to choose a Pokemon as steel types were hard to beat. My best bet would Ivysaur.
"Go Ivysaur!"
Ivysaur leapt into the middle of the field facing Magnemite. She growled at it, but it didn't seem to faze it.
Blue sat at the edge of the field watching eagerly.

Surge moved first.
"Magnemite, use Sonicboom!"
Magnemite hovered near Ivysaur and sent out bursts of energy from the magnets, sending Ivysaur crashing into me, luckily it didn't bother her as she leapt out of my arms and continued.

What now... it's a tough Pokemon with great accuracy.

Try immobilizing it.


Whoops! I've said too much!

Then it hit me. Imobilize it!
"Ivysaur, try using Sleep Powder!"
Ivysaur's bud opened, sending a gust of green powder to Magnemite, sending it to sleep.

"Now use Vine Whip!"
Vines from her bud rose out and grabbed the Pokemon by it's magnets (Something that I will probably never say again.) And spun the pokemon around in the air, eventually slamming it into the electric fences and knocking it out.

Surge returned his Magnemite and sent out his next Pokemon
"Stand by for battle Voltorb!"
Out of the red light came a red and white orb with an angry face. It may be best to be careful with attacking it.

"Ivysaur! PoisonPowder!"
The purple powder from her bud flew over to the Pokemon, but Surge didn't seem fazed.
"Dodge it!" The Pokemon rushed out of the way leaving the powder on the floor.
Now Voltorb, use Spark!"
The Pokemon rolled quickly with a high speed, covered in electricity and slammed into Ivysaur.

I didn't let it bother me and carried on with the battle.
I nodded my head at Ivysaur and she was ready to go again.
"Try Razor Leaf!" Multiple leaves flew from her bud and dashed towards Voltorb, hitting it bit by bit.
"Yeah that's the way to do it!"

Voltorbs HP was low. Surge would need a miracle to get out of this.
His sunglasses gleamed with mischief as he tilted them and used his last resort plan.
Voltorb gaved energy from around the room and focused it carefully, then let out a humungous burst around the battlefield. Shaking the ground and my very bones. I could tell Blue was nervous.

When the explosion faded, both Voltorb and Ivysaur were on the ground knocked out.

We both returned our Pokemon, I sent out Pikachu, while Surge sent out a Raichu.

Blue's eyes widened with fear, he got up from his seat and yelled at me.
"Leaf, do not underestimate that Raichu! It took me very long to beat it!"

I nodded at him and pointed at Pikachu.
"We won't worry, will we? Use Quick atta-"
Before I could finish, Surge interrupted me.
The Raichu jumped into the air and slammed down onto Pikachu, knocking him out.
I reaches for my final Pokeball...

C'mon Meowth, you're my last hope...

"Go Meowth!"
She meowed at me and turned to Raichu with a determined look.
Surge grunted and looked at Meowth with a smug grin.

"A Meowth? I know it seems fitting for a pretty girl like you, but I gotta warn ya, it's ya funeral. Use Thunderbolt!"
Raichu let out a huge shock of electricity, devestatingly hurting Meowth and smacking her into the ground, but Meowth being determined as ever, got up.
"That's the spirit!" I yelled in excitement. "Now use PayDay!"

Meowth raised her paw in the air and threw a lot of coins at Raichu, knocking him in the face. The Raicho got up and snarled.
"Don't let it bother you Raichu! Now use Slam!"

"Fury Swipes!"

Meowth's claws grew longer as she lept into the air and scratched Raichu repeatedly. Meowth dealt a final blow and sent Raichu on the ground. An instant KO.

Surge returned Raichu and marched over in typical millitary fashion.
"Sorry I underestimated you, kid. Intimidation is the best way to get a challenger to put their all into a fight though. Anyway, here you go miss, the Thunder Badge."

Blue ran over and high fived me, want ran out of the gym and straight to the Pokemon Center after I got my badge.

We were sitting in the waiting area talking about how amazing the battle was.

"I gotta say Leaf, you truly are a worthy rival. But... I'm still gonna beat you, y'know. I'm gonna prove myself to you. You better be ready."

"Oh Blue, I was born ready."

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