Deep Dark Cave

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Something had dawned on me that day. Something I never knew until now.

I hated Diglet and Dugtrio.

Earlier I had heard that one of Professor Oak's assistants had the HM for Flash which would be very useful for getting through dark caves. Unfortunatley that meant I had to go through Diglett tunnel.

In the span of twenty minutes I had my team faint twice, made multiple Pokemon Center trips, blew all of my money on potions and disturbed an angry group of Dugtrio.

But in the end I'd say it was kind of worth it. I now have HM Flash which I had taught to Pikachu and he seemed pretty happy with it.

So at this point I was now in front of dark cave.

Not a very original name, is it?
The voice spoke sarcastically.

Yeah I know. You'd think they'd have a better name. Anyway, let's go in.
I replied. I was getting use to the voice now, it no longer bothered me and helped me out a lot, but it still wouldn't tell me what it even was.

I stepped into the cave and blackness had over taken me, I couldn't see a thing in this cave! One wrong step and I could end up going the wrong way...

Then I realised.


"Pikachu! Come on out and use Flash!" I yelled.
Pikachu came out of his Pokeball and his cheeks glowed into a bright light, when the light had left his cheeks the whole cave had lit up.

Then I could see the cave, the walls were a green colours with a dampness that coated it and the ceiling was covered in spiked with dripping water.
It was also cold. Very, very cold.

"Well!" I started. It was probably beat to raise the team's spirits. "No use staying around at the entrance!" Pikachu groaned in frustration, he was the most victimised from 'Diglett Cave Massacre', I couldn't blame him for not wanting to go through another cave.

But I was on this journey to win! Any old cave will not stop me on this adventure!

I started walking across the damp ground, Pikachu stayed clutched onto my shoulder as he didn't want to go in his Pokeball, he wanted to look after me in case this cave was filled with Diglett.

After going through many dead-ends later, we saw a ladder leading to another floor, I climbed down the ladder, it was old and slightly worn out but luckily it was enough to support us going down.

Then when I got down I saw real people.

"Campers!" I exlaimed. "They must be having a trip or something."

Pikachu nodded and lept off my shoulder, the floor was less damp than before so Pikachu was fine on walking on it.

After leaving the campers (they had offered some berries and food for me), I made it to the final floor. Needless to say, it was oddly quiet.

Too quiet for my liking.

But I pressed on, but something felt off.

Then I heard it, a faint screech that grew louder as we hurried on.

Then it was closer and I realised what was happening.

Zubat! An entire swarm of Zubat!

Pikachu lept back into my shoulder and let out a panicked cry motioning at me to run.

I kept running as fast as I could whilst the falsetto screech got louder.

Then I slipped from the floor, and fell hard right onto my face.

There was no point in getting up now, they were gaining in on us and there was no escape.

I could have told Pikachu to use Thundershock, but it was short range and weak.

Pikachu could understand my worry and stood up on his two legs. He faced the oncoming swarm as his cheek pouches charged up with elecricity, he leaned forward and let out a battlecry, "Pikachuuuuuuu!"

The elcricity that came from Pikachu was a lot more powerful, it was a new move, Thunderbolt!

All Zubat were knocked out, so I scooped up Pikachu and ran to the exit, then daylight hit us.

We were out.

No more caves, please.

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