Making it through Mt Moon.

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Wow... Pidgey's looking kinda beaten up. Oh dear.

I had trecked across Route 3 like it was a breeze but a couple of trainers were giving me some trouble. I beat them, obviously, but still... Pidgey was poisoned by a pretty tough Beedrill and he needed help fast.

Fortunatley for me, I found a Pokemon Center!
I dashed in as quick as possible, Pidgey was starting to quiver in my arms. He needed serious healing now.

I saw Nurse Joy at the counter and explained to her, "Nurse Joy! A trainer's Beedrill poisoned Pidgey, please can you heal him?"
Nurse Joy nodded and took him to the machine, he was placed in a capsule and a light shined on him.

Pidgey's eyes opened and he stepped up imediatley.
Nurse Joy smiled at him and brought him back.
"Here you go, he's alright now. Here, take this."
She handed me a small pink berry with two large leaves on top.

I looked at it curiously, then it hit me: it was a Pecha Berry.
"This is to heal the poison condition, right?"
She nodded.
I smiled at her and shook her hand with gratitude, it would definatley be useful, Mt Moon was straight ahead and it was notorious for containing Paras and Zubat.

I left the Center and saw the cave entrance for Mt Moon, I stepped inside nervously. I always hated the dark and the worst part was that none of my Pokemon could light the cave up with Flash.

Yeah, but let's face it Leaf, there's no way out of this. Besides you have your Pokemon, what could possibly go wrong?

Oh yeah, because saying that always made things A LOT better.

Well hurry up! You're already in! You were so worried this whole time that you didn't notice you were already in.


~10 minutes later~

I had to be honest, this cave wasn't so bad.
There were lit torches surrounding the cave so I wasn't lost.
Heck, there were even signs telling me where to go. I wasn't worried anymore. Plus, the cave was filled with Clefairy, and they're so adorable!

There were a lot of rocks everywhere, sure, but not enough to get in my way. Yet finally, I found the ladder heading down.

The funny thing about this cave was that you had to go down to go up.
Why they didn't go straight foward, I will never know.

C'mon slowpoke! Get down the ladder!

"Alright! I'm heading down!"
Bad move! What if someone saw me yell at myself?

I slowly lowered myself down the ladder and stepped carefully onto the ground. I saw a sign on the way to Mt Moon that said the ground was slightly unstable.

Yeah, but it's not like it's happened before, right?

Suddenly, I saw a couple of men dressed in black jumpsuits. The top had a yellow "R" on it and they had black burgelrer caps on.
This guys were bad news, I've heard about them before.


"This is Kanto news reporting a live story from Cinnabar Island, it appears that two thugs from Team Rocket had made off with a fossil restoration machine from a labratory. Gym Leader Blaine is said to be furious that a machine costing so much money had been stolen. Authorities are now looking into the crime scene."

I was only a little girl when I saw that report about Team Rocket for the first time. It was about a month after Dad had left forever. We didn't understand why.

He said there was trouble that came up and he had to go for a while.

Mom said he just wanted to get stronger.

Pokemon FireRed: Adventure of Leaf.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ