Battle for the Boulder Badge.

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NOTE: The gym leaders in this story will have different Pokemon. Mostly to make them look stronger.

Here I was. Pewter City.
I had a team of fully trained Pokemon ready to take on whatever Brock would throw at me. I was ready for this moment.

Pikachu had also learned two new moves, Quick Attack and ThunderWave (Which replaced Tail Whip).
Bulbasaur had learned Take Down (to replace Tackle) and Pidgey had learned Whirlwind.
Brock had no chance against me, I was gonna win this fight and earn the badge!

Pewter City was probably even bigger than Viridian City. There were more houses, a small garden (a man was spraying repel all over the plants for some reason.) and a Museum.
Though it's not like I'm interested in that sort of stuff, I might check it out later though.

The gym was way at the end of Town so I had to hurry and get there quick, my Pokemon were already healed at the Pokemon Center and I had bought a few potions so this battle was in the bag!

I slammed the door to the Gym open and the first thing I saw was rocks and lots of them, before I could get to Brock, a Camper boy got in my way.
"You're a million light years away until you can get to Brock!" He exlaimed.
"Go Zubat!" From his Pokeball emerged a small bat Pokemon. It was blue-ish Purple in colour and it didn't have eyes. Maybe its large ears help it know what's happening. I thought.

I smiled and looked at Pikachu's Pokeball. Then threw it in the air.
"I choose you, Pikachu!"
Pikachu came out of the ball and was ready to go.
The boy was ready before me and gave his Zubat a command.
"Zubat, use Leech Life!"
Zubat soared over to Pikachu and bit down hard, sucking away at some energy.
Luckily it was a weak attack, Pikachu could obviously one-shot Zubat.
"Now Pikachu, use ThunderShock!"
Pikachu nodded and zapped the Zubat with a small bolt leaving the bat Pokemon on the ground.
"Zubat no! Return to your Pokeball... I guess you are ready to face Brock. Go straight ahead."

I walked right through the rocky path, it was a wonder how people could get through this gym. Then I saw the Leader Brock. He had small squinty eyes, tanned skin, spiky brown hair, a dark orange V-neck jumper, dark green jeans and brown trainers.

"So, you're here. I'm Brock. I'm Pewter's Gym Leader. My rock-hard willpower is evident even in my Pokémon. My Pokémon are all rock hard, and have true-grit determination. That's right - my Pokémon are all the Rock type! Fuhaha! You're going to challenge me knowing that you'll lose?"

Now this got me angry!
"You think I have such low confidence in myself and my abilities? Bring it on Brock! My name is Leaf Green, and I challenge you!"

Brock smirked and laughed smugly.
"That's the Trainer's honor that compels you to challenge me. Fine, then! Show me your best!"

A referee apeared at the side of the battleground. He anounced the rules.
"This is the battle between Brock; the Gym Leader of Pewter City and Leaf Green, a novice trainer from Pallet Town. Both shall use three Pokemon each. The trainer who has had all three Pokemon faint loses and the opponent is declared the winner. If Brock loses, he shall gives the Gym Badge to Leaf.
Let the battle begin.!"

Brock sent out his first Pokemon.
"Go, Omanyte!"
His first Pokemon is a fossil Pokemon from years ago!
It had blue skin, small tentacles, two beady eyes and a spiral shell on its back.

I chose my first Pokemon.
"Go, Pikachu! I bet you could take on the Gym Leader's whole team!"
Brock was taken aback by this.
"If you believe that only one Pokemon can do this, then you're over-confidence may be your weakness one day. Now Omanyte, use Withdraw!"

Omanyte tucked into its shell, raising its defense.
I scowled at Brock's critisisms.
"Don't listen to him Pikachu! Now use Quick Attack!"
Pikachu dashed at a high -almost unseeable- pace and hit omanyte as hard as it could.
"You told you Pokemon to use Quick Attack? Omanyte is a Rock type, Quick Attack won't do much damage, now Omanyte, use Constrict!"

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