Hey mr. prick ~17~

Start from the beginning

“You don’t know what will happen, Rose. You have to stay strong no matter what, got it?” Jess asked squeezing my hand and I smiled gratefully. I thanked her and waited for Xavier to arrive with a newfound confidence that Jess had restored in me.

Jess knows what to say when something’s wrong. She always makes the person smile and feel secure when needed. It was just what she did best, well, besides from being an amazing friend.

The doorbell rang, the noise slicing though the silent atmosphere and I bolted up straight, running down the stairs to the door. However, to my displeasure, Chris had opened it and was currently involved in a glaring fest with Xavier. The only way to describe the situation was WEIRD.

I stood next to Chris, grinning nervously. Xavier broke the glare he had with Chris and looked at me, His eyes softened immediately and he smiled softly. I smiled back, tentatively, before I looked at Chris with a nervous smile on my face. He looked kind of rigid. He still hadn’t stopped staring at Xavier and his face was like that of stone, hard and stiff.

“Uh Chris, Xavier and I are going on a date so, bye.” I sang and grabbed Xavier’s hand dragging him with me. I heard Xavier mutter something under his breath and I looked at him curiously. He just shook his head and opened the car door. I thanked him and slid into my seat before closing the door. I wanted to know what he was thinking, and what he had said a few minutes ago.

Xavier opened his side of the door and sat in the car. He turned the engine on and we started moving. I couldn’t help but wonder where we were going but I didn’t think Xavier would answer that, judging by the calculating look on his face, I gathered he did not want to be disturbed.

“He has a crush on you.” Xavier suddenly blurted and I looked at him weirdly. What was he talking about?

“Who?” Was all I asked and he chuckled under his breath, humorlessly.

“I can’t believe that you don’t see it. Little Chrissie Boo has a crush on you.” Xavier joked in a sing-song voice. I couldn’t help but laugh at that. Yeah right.

“Chris?” I raised an eyebrow, “No way, I think you’re mistaken, we’re just friends.” I looked at the road again, folding my arms defiantly.

Beside me Xavier snorted, I glared at him which in turn caused him to cough and look at the road.

Could Chris really have a crush on me? No, no it couldn’t be. We’ve been best friends since forever, what made him change his mind now?

I didn’t notice that we had arrived until Xavier opened my door and told me that we were here.

Out of nowhere Xavier took out a picnic basket and grinned. “After you milady.” He imitated a posh accent and I faked surprise.

“Well thank you kind sir.” I replied and began walking to a beautiful clearing. It looked like a hill, I think. Bright, green grass surrounded us and fresh air flew by. The wind whistled around us and the leaves on the trees danced along with it. All in all, it was a wonderful sight.

“This is magnificent.” I said to Xavier who was standing next to me, also admiring the view before us.

“Indeed.” He agreed, shooting a grin my way before nodding his head towards the hill and we began walking.

We sat at the end and it turned out to be a little hill at the end. You could see the ocean and the view was fantastic.

Xavier took out mashed potatoes and fried chicken. I raised my eyebrows and he chuckled.

“Don’t even ask.” Was all he said before he set everything down. We started to eat and to tell you the truth they were delicious. I moaned in satisfaction and continued digging in.

“Tomorrow we’re going to the company, both of us.” Xavier said and I looked at him, confused.

“Why?” I asked and he sighed.

“Dad thought it would be a good idea for you to see our company.” He said and I shrugged because I knew there was no getting out of it.

We ate in silence and the next thing you know is that it’s getting late and we’re standing in front of my house. I looked at my fingers nervously then at Xavier.

“Thanks Xavier, I had a great time.” I hugged him and he smiled, satisfied.

“Me too.” He agreed, watching me intensely.

We stood there staring at one another before he started leaning in. I could see every inch of his face clearly, my heart pounded away in my chest and my skin grew hot as he grew closer. Our lips were centimeters from each other when suddenly the door burst open and Chris stood there, his arms crossed.

“You’re late.” He stated and moved aside for me to go in. He stood rigidly, just as he had when he had opened the door for Xavier. What was up with him? I thought to myself He was probably just being overprotective being as Xavier had hurt me before and he didn’t want to see me hurt again.

“Bye Xavier.” I said softly and waved. He smiled at me, his pearl white teeth showing then glared at Chris who was glaring back just as hard. I looked between the two of them amused. They didn’t need to hate each other so much, in fact, they could become good friends if they tried hard enough.

Xavier smirked and looked at me “Don’t forget about tomorrow.” He pointed out and I nodded understanding that it was about the company. Xavier sent one last smirk to Chris who looked like he was…fuming? WOW.

I rolled my eyes. “Stupid boys and their hormones.” I muttered under my breath shaking my head before I walked inside leaving them to it.

Hey Mr.Prick. It's NOT a pleasure to meet you!Where stories live. Discover now