Forty Eight || Trust me V.A.

Start from the beginning

That was the last thing I wanted to deal with at the moment. I hope when I get home, things won't be too difficult with James.

I walk out the building's side door and find Grayson's truck immediately. I open the passenger's seat and pull myself in. "Hey," he says, starting his vehicle back up again.

I look at him, giving him a tight smile, "Hi."

He looks at me, "What's going Vena?" he asks. I knew that there wouldn't have been a way to keep this from him.

"Just Zeke," I admit.

He shakes head and starts to pull out the pickup lane. "What has he done now?"

I tell him what had happened and didn't look very surprised. "Hopefully, he'll leave you alone now," he smiles at me.

I nod, "I hope so, I'm so done with him."

Our apartment building is relevantly close to the college, but I just wasn't feeling like I wanted to walk today.

He pulls up to the building, not parking in his regular parking spot. "Are you not coming in?" I ask him, taking my seatbelt off.

He shakes his head, "No, Leah wants me to come over to her dorm for a bit," he tells me.

I nod and open the door to get out, "Well then, I guess I'll see you around then," I give him that tight smile I gave him from before.

He nods, "Yeah, see you later."

I jump out and the door, waving him off.

Honestly, I miss my best friend. I love James, I really do, but sometimes I wish I could talk to and hang out Grayson like we used to. Ever since Grayson and I got into relationships, we just grew apart and I hate that fact.

I ride up in the elevator up to the apartment. The door is unlocked, I walk in and all the lights are off. I turn on the lights and the apartment look spotless from what I can see. I slip off my shoes and hang up my coat.

"James," I call for him as I walk down the hallway. I heard shuffling in his room as I got closer.

I open his door and see him in a navy blue suit, straightening out his tie. He turns his head and smiles at me, "Get dressed," he tells me and turns back to the mirror, fixing his sleeves.

I step into his room, the bed was made, all his and my clothes are picked up off the floor. It looks so good.

"Why?" I question him.

He doesn't look at me, "You'll see, just go put on something nice," he smiles in the mirror.

I sigh, I hate surprises. It's going to drive me nuts that I don't know where we're going.

I walk out the room and go into my room to look for something to wear. I have some dresses, but most of them are for the summertime. It's December quite cold outside, so a sweater dress would be nice.

I walk into my closet and find the one I was looking to find. I grab my pair of knee high boots off the shelf.

I don't know what James's plan is tonight, maybe he's trying to do something for me or he's trying to get some. Either way, I'm not going to were some fancy lingerie.

I take off my comfy clothes and slip on the dress, although this dress is actually pretty comfy. It's like wearing a tight blanket, but more stretchy. The collar dipped down a bit, showing some cleavage.

I still had some makeup on from earlier, so I just touched it up. I don't know what kind of time I have, so I have no idea if I have time to straighten my hair or not.

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