Forty Eight || Trust me J.H.

Start from the beginning

I have a lot of regular clothes, but a lot of my suits are still at my parents house. I don't know if I would be able to get over there and get back in time for Vena to be home.

I grab my phone and call my mom. "Hi Mom," I say as soon as she answers the phone.

I hear her gush on the other end. "James, is that really you?"

I sigh, "Yes Mom, it's me. How are you and Dad doing?" I ask her.

I can just imagine her smile now, "We're doing great, Darling. Is everything alright?" she asks.

"Actually, I just wanted to make sure that you are home, so I can come by to get one of my suits," I tell her.

"Oh, why?" she pushes me.

I'll tell you in the car, I'm in a bit of a rush," I tell her, grabbing my car keys off the table.

"Oh okay, call me back when you get to your car," I lock the door behind me and take the elevator downstairs.

"Okay bye," I hang up and slip my phone in my back pocket.



"Seriously James?" was my mom's first words after I told her what was going on.

"I know, I know It's bad. I should have done this a long time ago," I tell her.

"Well, at least you are doing it now, better than never," she tells me.



By the time I made it to my parent's house and back, Vena is going to be home within the next twenty minutes or so.

I got my pants and shirt on and was just putting my tie on when I heard the front door open and close. I knew it was her because I had locked it before and she is the only one who has a key, I think. It could be very well possible that she cut a key for Grayson that I just don't know about.

Sometimes I think that she does things behind my back. When I thought she was cheating on me on more than one occasion, I didn't really think about who Vena is and what she would do because I feared for my own feelings more. I feel guilty for a lot of the things I to her.

"James?" I hear her ask me, getting closer to my room.

She opens the door and doesn't say anything for a minute. I smile at her, I really hope this goes well tonight. I miss my Vena.

"Go get dressed," I tell her, fixing my sleeves in the mirror.

She steps into my room, "Why?" she questions me.

"You'll see, just go put on something nice," I smile at her in the mirror.

She huffed and walked out of the room, not bothering to shut the door behind her.

She is so stubborn, but that shows that she can stand her own ground. I can't have someone in my life that just goes along with what I do in my life. She can get angry at stupid things I do and then is mad for a little bit, but she gets over it. I like that about her. She won't hold grudges. I know people look at us and think, why would he stay with that mood swinging freak? I know people say this because the kids at this school are not quiet talkers. The things is that, I don't care what these people are saying because it's not like they actually know what goes on between us, nor will they ever.

"HOW MUCH TIME DO I HAVE?" I hear Vena yell from down the hall.

I look down at my watch. "ABOUT AN HALF HOUR," I yell back.

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