Chapter 2 - A Strangers Home

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Chapter 2:

Adam's POV:

It's been two weeks since the night I made the decision. The decision that would change both mine and Darcy's lives. In this past two weeks a lot has happened, she went to her mother's funeral two days ago. She finally cried, and as much as it hurt me to see, I'm glad she did. She needed to let out the tears, and truly grieve her loss.

I was unable to adopt her straight away, I can only foster her at the moment, which I'm fine with. At least she will be in a loving home with someone she partly knows. It is a lot easier knowing she is a fan, because I guess it means she won't completely hate living with me.

"All done." Darcy says quietly.

We've been at her house for the past two days, packing up her room and going through her mum's stuff. She agreed that there was no point in keeping her clothes, so we gave them to charity. She did keep some of her mum's belongings though, which I think is a good idea.

I pick up a suitcase and she picks up the other one. She doesn't have many clothes; I'm definitely going to have to take her shopping. The house was easy to work out since Darcy and her mum only rented it.

The papers have been signed, and we leave for our flight to America soon.

"We are in our summer holidays, so you don't have to worry about school for another three months. You'll like L.A, it's beautiful." I smile and she shows a small smile as we walk down the stairs.

"I never properly thanked you. Not many people, let alone busy celebrities, would take on a teenager they met two weeks ago." She says, looking up at me.

I don't know if it's because she is shy, but she never talks that loudly. Her words are always quiet, and she hardly smiles, but I know she is a littler happier.

"I'm glad you're coming to America. It's been quite lonely living in a big house by myself. You're a really nice girl Darcy, and you deserve a home where you're going to be happy and safe." She nods in agreement and we reach the front door.

I open the front door and see she has her back to me, looking around at the small house. She grew up here, and I know it must be hard to leave here to go to a whole new country and start, well sort of, a new life.

Darcy's POV:

"Why don't I meet you in the car? Give you some time to say goodbye." Adam grins kindly, taking the suitcase out of my hand. I show a small smile and he closes the front door after he walks out of the house.

I walk around the lounge room, running my hands along the walls. The house is empty; charities have already taken the furniture since there is nothing I can do with it.

People may disagree since we never actually owned it, but I am connected to this house, and it's hard to let go. But I know I have to, and in a way it might help. I need to start again, to let go of my pain and maybe one day feel happy again.

I know it is going to be hard. I'm still grieving. My mum was the only person I had. We were each other's best friend, and we could tell each other anything. She trusted me completely, and I never did anything to make her think otherwise. I studied hard, and I tried to make a future for myself so I could take care of her.

We were one of those families that struggled to pay the bills, but always found a way to smile. I know I put my mum through a lot. She was there to revive me when I stopped breathing, but she never stopped smiling. She didn't let it break her, and she was my hero because of that.

I open the front door, looking around at my childhood home, before walking out of the door, and slowly shutting it for the last time.

"I'll never forget you." I whisper quietly. I'll never forget you mum. Never.

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