Chapter 17

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Everything was still such a blur for Ally, she was now sat in a hospital side room waiting for a doctor to come in. Her heart was still racing and her whole body trembled "What if they see it as murder?" Ally finally spoke to Ryan who was sat with her.

"They won't" Ryan frowned "They can't" he added looking into her eyes "It was self defence"

"I know but James knows people, what if they..." Ally was starting to panic again "Ryan I can't have this baby in jail...promise me you'll take it once it's born?"

"What?" Ryan was both shocked and frustrated by Ally's request "No, Ally look at me..." he gripped her eyes and made her loom at him "The police know about the violence, you were working with them to get James. They won't turn their backs on you. Even your Dad said they can only see this as self defence. He tried to strangle you"

"I know but..." Ally was interrupted by a doctor.

"Mrs Wilson" she smiled "The police would like to speak with you, is that okay?"

"Yeah" Ally's voice was barely a whisper, her hand started to trembled. The doctor dissappeared and two female police officers came back. Ryan left the room reluctantly after Ally assured him she would be fine.

"Mrs Wilson" the first blonde woman smiled "Could you explain in your own words what happened this evening?"


Ryan was beside himself, he was pacing the corridor not far from Ally's room "What if she's right? What if they look past self defence" Ryan was on his cell phone to John, who was still at the house overseeing the police search.

"They won't, but right now you have much bigger things to worry about" John sighed, he knew this news would shock Ryan to the core "you know how well James has taken the news of yours and Ally's affair?"

"Yeah, the guy has a conscience" Ryan scoffed and John shook his head.

"No, he doesn't" John replied "Ryan the bastard has framed her for everything"

"What do you mean?" Ryan sat on the nearest chair to him.

"They found a body in the basement" John explained the police findings "It's been cut up pretty bad, and then there's bank transactions and some other evidence. James has framed Ally for his murder and every other dodgy deed he has been involved in. Ryan he's taking her down as an accessory to every wrong doing he's done in the last 4 years"

"WHAT?" Ryan cried out "Shit, what do we do?"

"Where is she now?" John sked and Ryan looked behind him.

"She's being questioned" Ryan replied.


"Mrs Wilson if you were having a relationship with Ryan Tedder, then why did you go back to the house. Why be involved in a violent relationship?" The officer asked and Ally sighed.

"Because of the case and mainly because James threatened Ryan's life" Ally explained and the officers eyes widened.

"What case?"


Ryan had gone back to pacing the corridor as he waited for Ally to finish after a further hour Ally was finally left in peace.

"What did they say?" Ryan was desperate to know just how deep the trouble was Ally was in.

"Not much just questioned me about the attack, James violence and asked some questions about my Dad's case. Oh and about a guy called Trevor Nelson"

"Trevor Nelson?" Ryan had a thought.

"Yeah he was an old work mate of James, apparently he went missing last month" Ally's explanation confirmed Ryan's thought and turned it into a feat "Why what's wrong?"

"Alexis Wilson" an officer came back into Ally's room. Ally nodded and Ryan stepped forwards almost shielding Ally from the officers. They walked past him and over to Ally who was sat upright again, she gasped as the officers pulled handcuffs out, clipping them across her wrists "Alexis Wilson you are under arrest for the murders of James Wilson and Trevor Nelson..."

"Trevor? What? Ryan" Tears fell from Ally's eyes and her hands trembled as the officer locked on of her wrists to the side of the bed "I don't understand, Trevor isn't dead" Ally cried in despair.

"Mr Tedder could you step outside please, this woman is now..." the officer tried to move Ryan but he wouldn't budge "Sir if you don't leave I Will be forced to arrest you"

"Ryan it's okay" Ally reassured him "Go and call my Dad" Ryan forced his way forwards and kissed Ally's head.

"MR TEDDER" An officer grabbed him forcefully.

"YEAH okay I get it, I'm going" Ryan shoved them off and left the room. As soon as he was outside he felt his body collapse. He staggered back against the wall. How could this be happening?


John's world came crashing down as soon as he heard the words arrested for murder, Ryan had called him immediately after gathering himself.

They had arranged to meet back at Ryan's house, John was surprised to find Ryan packing a small hold all "You're running?" John frowned and Ryan raged.

"NO, I'M NOT YOU" He spat furiously.

"Then what?" John wondered and Ryan stopped for a moment.

"I'm going to Florida" Ryan replied coldly and John looked both concerned and confused "Trevor Nelson did alot of work in Florida, for James and his company"

"Ryan whatever you're thinking..." John started to speak.

"You don't want to know what I'm  thinking" Ryan snarled as he heads over to a cabinet "I won't let her go down for murder John"

"Ryan these men are dangerous..." John pleaded "Remember what I told you about James?"

"I really don't care" Ryan opened a small black case "Besides it's not like I am going in blind is it?" He holds up a silver hand gun, he checks it over and then stuffs it into his holdall.

"What do you mean?" John stared at Ryan, realising that he had completely underestimated him. Ryan wasn't the gentle guy he thought he was...There was a hidden darkness about him.

"You're coming with me" John waited for Ryan to continue "We're going to prove she didn't do it, and to do that we are going to trace every move that son of a bitch made, right up to the moment Ally put him out of his misery. There is no way in hell I am going to let him drag her down, even if I have to run with her"

"You really do love you don't you?" John find got it.

"More than my own exsistance" Ryan answered honestly.

"Yeah I'm starting to get that" John nodded "I'll help you"

"Good because I wasn't exactly asking" Ryan pursed his lips slightly and continued with his packing.

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