Chapter Eight

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It had been almost two weeks since Ally's trip to Paris with James, he had decided to extend their stay a little longer.

It was late afternoon when they finally arrived in JFK airport, Ally had been texting Ryan as much as she could during the time sheshe was away. She was now desperate to see him "I need to pop into work after we get home is that okay?" James asked, Ally saw this as her perfect opportunity.

"Yeah I need to pick up some things from the studio myself before tomorrow" Ally half smiled "Pick me up when your done if you want and we can get some takeout"

"Yeah okay baby" James smiled and kissed Ally before heading over to the  car which had been driven up and parked at the front of the airport for then.


'On my way to the studio, see you in 10'

Ryan's phone beeped on the table, a rush of relief flushed over him, Ally was back and she was okay. Well at least Ryan hoped she was. He had been working in the lyrics for another song for their LP. Zach was still in the studio with him "Who's that? Is it Ally?" He asked and Ryan nodded.

"They're back in New York" Ryan sighed "She's coming in to see me"


"I'll call you before I pick you up okay, be ready" James smiled before kissing Ally goodbye "Love you"

"Love you too" Ally smiled before closing the car door and walking through the entrance. Her heels clicked on the wooden floor as she rushed down the corridor, she flung open the door. Ally's heart was pounding as she laid her eyes on Ryan, he looked up from the desk and quickly stood up when he saw her. Zach wasn't in the room at this point he'd gone to fetch him and Ryan a coffee from next door. Their body's collided with eachother in an overwhelming urgency, Ryan cupped Ally's face in his hands and kissed her hard "God I've missed you" he gasped "Are you okay?" Ryan quickly checked Ally's face for any new bruises.

"Yeah" Ally seemed a little distant "Just glad to be here"

Ryan kissed Ally again hard, knocking what bit of air she had out of her.


It wasn't long before Zach came back with the coffees, he was surprised to see Ally "Oh hi Ally I didn't realise you were coming that soon I would have gotten you a coffee"

"It's fine Zach" Ally frowned when she sensed an awkward silence.

"I told Zach" Ryan admitted and Ally looked pissed "It's okay though he won't say anything"

Ally looked at Zach hopelessly, how could Ryan do this? But then again didn't he deserve someone to talk to? Ally had asked so much of Ryan already, surely she couldn't deny him a confidant? She thought all this over in her head and then just nodded.

"How much did you tell him?" Ally wondered and Ryan looked a little uncomfortable "Ryan? How much?" Ally repeated.

"I told him everything about us, about James hitting you" Ally felt sick at the thought of someone else knowing.

"And that's it?" She asked quickly as her stomach turned, suddenly Ally had remembered the rape.

"Yeah" Ryan replied quickly so he could ease Ally's mind. Telling Zach about the rape hadn't even crossed his mind. Zach looked a little confused but decided this must have been private so he stopped listening.

In fact he headed into the other room so Ryan and Ally could talk properly. As soon as Zach was out of sight, Ryan and Ally's bodys collided. Ally kissed Ryan hard again, feeling his hands on her made her feel whole, she felt safe when she was with him.

"God I've missed you" Ryan pulled away gently "I've been frantic with worry, I though maybe you were putting off coming home because...well because he's hurt you"  Ryan delicately cupped Ally's face in his hands.

"No I'm fine, he didn't get angry once. In fact he was almost sweet" Ally half smiled.


James sat behind his huge walnut desk with his cell phone in his hand, he filled the number for a man named Jones .

Jones was an almost retired private detective, who had done some work for James before...

"Hello this is James Wilson" James said calmly "I would like to arrange a meeting with you, I have something I need you to look onto"


Within 20 minutes Bill Jones was sat in James' office "What can I do for you? I'm pretty sure you didn't call me here to discuss the weather" Jones asked curiously as James looked out of the window.

"I need you to investigate someone for me" James frowned it was obviously paining him, to be doing this.

"Okay who?" Jones asked.

"My wife" James' reply was simple and cold. Jones eyes widened, he certainly hadn't been expecting this.

"Any particular reason why?" Jones stepped closer to James.

"Yeah" James still had a cold tone in his voice "I think she is having an affair"

"Who Ally? Are you sure? She adores you" Jones was completely stunned by Jame' request.

"Let's just say I have a gut feeling about it" James sighed as he thought about the times Ally was distant while they were away.

"Okay if that's what you really want I will check it out. And if she is?" Jones asked curiously, knowing he wasn't going to like the reply.

"Then I want details, who he is, how long it's been going on" James gritted his teeth "If it's serious"

"Then what?" Jones asked a question he wishes he hadn't.

"Then I am going to track the bastard down and destroy him" James snarled.

"And what about Ally?" James expression saddened a little.

"I love my wife" James exhaled "But if I am right, then she will pay the ultimate price. I won't be made a fool of...not by anyone"

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