Chapter 16

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Zach thought it would be a good distraction for Ryan to get out of the house.

"So have you heard anything?" He wondered as he walked down the side walk beside Ryan.

"No, John said it would be for the best if we severed all contact for now" Ryan exhaled as he opened the door into his local bar "He doesn't want to create any further risk to Ally"

"That's understandable" Zach agreed with John "It can't be easy though dude?"

"Nah but what else can I do ?" Ryan paused "I have to do what it takes to make her safe...I can't risk harm to her or..."

Zach felt terrible for bringing it up when he remembered Ally's pregnancy. Knowing she was carrying Ryan's child must have been unbarable for Ryan "I'm sorry man, I didn't think" Zach quickly apologised for his thoughtlessness.

"It fine" Ryan sat down at a table furthers away from the bar and the windows, Zach got the impression he didn't want to be seen or disturbed.


James watched Ally sleeping on the sofa, she had drifted off to sleep whilst watching Transformers. He covered her over with a blanket and just sat for a few more moments, watching her chest rise and fall gently as she slept. Ally looked so peaceful, James gently moved some hair away from her face "I love you so much Alexis Wilson, I just wish I knew how to show you properly" he whispered.

Ally's eyes flickered a little but James didn't notice, he was too busy thinking about everything he had put her through of the past few months.


"Are you sure you're doing the right thing getting involved?" Zach tried one last time to reason with Ryan. He was desperate to keep his friend safe "What makes you think once Ally has left James that this will be over? I mean even if they arrest James, it still doesn't guarantee hers or your safety. He could still come after you both"

"Who said anything about arresting him?" Ryan replied "You're right arresting him won't guarantee our sefety...but killing him will"

Zach slumped back in his seat as Ryan spoke. He had never seen this cold harsh side to his friend and if Zach was honest, he's not sure it was Ryan at all "What? Ryan what would you know about killing someone?"

"I know enough" Ryan replied honestly as he sat forwards "I know that I am not willing to risk Ally getting hurt again in anyway, and I know I will do whatever it takes to make sure that doesn't happen"

"But killing him? Ryan..." Zach tried to plead with his friend but it was hopeless.

"Yeah well I'm not alone, John thinks it's the only way she can be safe too" Ryan reassured Zach.

"John isn't exactly reliable though man, and he's certainly not on the same level as everyone else. Dude the guys unhinged" Zach replied.

"Exactly why he's the perfect guy to help me, he's unhinged just like James which means he will do whatever it takes to keep Ally safe" Ryan defended John and Zach finally nodded. Ryan was right John would let James win.


"Did you enjoy your shower?" James asked as he walked into the bedroom. Ally was just wearing her underwear, she made a conscious effort not to cover herself up. She couldn't hide her body from James or he would guess something was going on.

"Yeah it was amazing" She smiled "Thanks for letting me sleep in"

"It's okay Princess, like I said last night. Everything's going to be different now" James walked up behind Ally and kissed her neck "I love you so much"

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