Chapter Thirteen

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James had been watching Ally sleeping for almost an hour, whether he cared to admit it or not, the love he felt for her still ran deep. Although that aside he still felt an overwhelming urge to make her pay for making a fool of him.

"Hello" James answered his cellphone quietly and left the room quickly so not to wake Ally "Does he remember anything?...that's good"

Ally woke to the sound of James voice, she could tell he was trying to be quiet. She looked around the room for something she could use to contact Ryan but there was nothing. Ally got up out of bed and slipped on the red silk dressing gown James had put on the end of the bed for her, she headed out into the hall way. James smile grew instantly as soon as he saw her walking slowly towards him "Listen I've gotta go" James hung up the phone so his full attention was now on Ally "I didn't mean to wake you, you shouldn't be out of bed"


"Should you even be out of hospital?" Drew poured Ryan a glass of juice as he sat at the dark oak dining table in the centre of the room.

"I'm fine" Ryan snapped as he took he juice "My priority right now is to find Ally, you heard what the officer said...James is a psyco"

"Yeah but he also said he wouldn't advise taking the law into your own hands, Ry man you need to let them do their job" Drew frowned as he sat opposite Ryan.

"Yeah because that's working out great..." Ryan snapped angrily "Every second he is with him, he could be hurting her or..."

"I know it's shit man, but if you go looking for her...I mean what if you get in over your head, you said it yourself this guy is unhinged"

"Yeah and that's exactly why I need to find her" Ryan snapped a little more than he meant to, he was starting to tire of people telling him to back off.

An urgent knock at Ryan's front door brought him to his feet immediately, he walked into the hallway and opened it "I need your help" John rushed through the door almost knocking Ryan off his feet "I know where she is but I can't go after her on my own" he admitted and Ryan gestured for him to go into the dining room. Drew was still sat at the table.


Ally still wasn't sure what James had planned for her, he was usually pretty easy to read, but this time was different.

"Here I got you some pain killers" James handed Ally two white pills and a glass of water "Is it sore" he asked as he noticed her wince when she moved to take them.

"Yeah" Ally nodded in between pills.

"You were cut up pretty bad" James replied, he sat down slowly beside Ally causing her to move away a little. James heart sank as he eyed the finger print bruises on her wrists, the bruises he had caused just a few hours ago by losing his temper.

"James why did you bring me here?" Ally stuttered a little.

"I wanted to get you away from him..." James frowned, Ally could here the anger building up in his voice.

"I know but why here?" Ally took her chances and pushed a little further.

"Because we were always happy here, you were all.mine while you were here. I didn't share you with him..." Ally heard something in James voice she had never heard before, he was genuinely hurting by what she had done and for the first time Ally felt bad for him.


So he's taken her to the mountains" Ryan looked at a map John had put down on the table.

"Aspen, around here somewhere" John pointed to a location on the map "They brought a cabin in the woods, just before they got married, it's were James proposed..."

"What is it?" Ryan sensed John's demeanour change instantly "John?"

"We need to find her and fast" John sighed as he ran a hand through his hair.

"Why?" Ryan looked worried "What are you thinking? Why has he taken her there?"

"I could be completely wrong...god I hope I am..." John started to stutter.

"JUST FUCKING TELL ME" Ryan's fist slammed down hard on the table "Why do you think he has taken Ally to that cabin?"

"Because I think he is planning on killing her" John replied grimly and Ryan's eyes widened, John's conclusion had made a lot of sense. James was unhinged enough to do something as insane as this.


Ally wasn't sure what had happened, but something inside her had weakened towards James, she saw the man she once knew "Do you love him?" James question threw Ally a little "Ryan, do you love him?"

"James...I..." Ally couldn't reply, she had no clue what to say.

"JUST..." James yelled before softening his tone when he made Ally jump "Answer the question please"

"No" Ally shook her head "It was a mistake, James I love you. It's always going to be you"

"I know" James whispered as he leant forwards, his lips met Ally's tenderly as he placed a lingering kiss on her lips "I love you too baby"

Ally leant back and let James lean over her, she could feel her body trembling under his touch "Shh it's okay baby" James whispered as he stroked her cheek "I won't hurt you I promise"

Ally felt sick as she felt James hand run up her thigh as she laid under him, but her eyes were fixed on the cellphone on the table beside them. It was just within arms reach. Ally knew she this would be a perfect distraction to give her just enough time to send Ryan a text. Ally was surprised when he stopped "What's wrong?" She frowned and James sat up.

"You really would have gone through with it wouldn't you?" He added and Ally looked confused "You honestly think I would be that stupid" James picked up the cellphone and chuckled "Ally Wilson you underestimate me"

"I don't understand" Ally stared at James who was now standing.

"I know everything" James poured himself a drink.

"About Ryan, yes I know but like I said he was a mistake..."

"No Alexis I meant about the case your father is building against me...I know the only reason you married me is because your dad and his police friends want me to send me to jail"

Ally swallowed hard, she felt her hands shaking as James sipped the golden coloured liquor "Now you see the thing is, you have played a game with me for such a long time now...I think it's only fair I play a little game with you"

"James I..."Ally stuttered.

"Shh, I haven't explained yet" James gently touched Ally's face and smiled callously "Tomorrow morning we are going to drive back home and you ate going to go and see your dad and tell him to call the investigation off" Ally's eyes filled with tears as James continued "And then your going to arrange a visit with Ryan, and tell him your relationship is over...that you have seen the error of your ways and you have realised you are in love with your husband. Then you can tell him that you have aborted his child and want nothing more to do with him..."

"And if I don't" Ally's voice trembled as James grinned almost sadistically.

"Then I'll kill him..." he grinned widely "So Alexis what's it to or him?"

Ally gasped as the words left James' mouth, this wasn't a choice it was a threat. Ally knew there was only one thing she could do, she loved Ryan more than anything and the thought of James hurting him wasn't an option. Ally took a deep breath and nodded "I'll tell him it's over..." She sighed as she watched James smug expression...

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