Chapter Eleven

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After putting her bag in Ryan's room and using the bathroom, Ally headed back downstairs. Ryan had poured himself a drink, he frowned as he watched Ally removing her wedding rings from her finger "You okay" he asked as Ally moved closer to him. She nodded and smiled.

"For the first time in 5 years I finally feel free" she exhaled "Free to do exactly what I want..." She didn't say anything else she just kissed Ryan hard, her need for him had taken over. There was something different about this kiss, about this moment, there was nothing shadowing them anymore. Now James knew about them they could finally be together properly, no more hiding it away...

Ally gasped a she felt Ryan's hand move up her back underneath her shirt, she felt him tugging on her bra. Ally quickly lifted her shirt over her head and carried on kissing him, Ryan pushed Ally backwards against the counter as he in lipped her bra in one hand and used the other to lift her body effortlessly onto the counter. Ryan then forced his body between Ally's legs, still kissing her lips hard.

It wasn't long before Ally found herself being carried into Ryan's lounge, he laid her body down gently on the couch and fell between her legs. Ally grabbed Ryan's hair and arched her back as he kissed her neck and started to unto her trousers...


Four men in balaclavas headed straight for the studio, all carrying some kind of weapons in their hands, namely baseball bats and crow bars. The bigger man of the four took the lead and smashed his baseball bat straight through one of the computer screens...


Ally's back lifted off the sofa as she felt Ryan flip them over, he pulled her onto him so she was straddling his waist. She grinded her hips on him, forcing him deeper inside her. Ryan sat up so there bodies touched again, he kissed her brushing his tongue against her bottom lip begging for entrance. Ally opened her mouth a little allowing Ryan's tongue to collide with hers, still sat upright grinding down on him Ally finally reached her peak, she let out a moan as her body came to climax. Ryan's breathing had become shallow as Ally picked up speed, he held her tightly to him as he pressed his forehead against hers, letting out a gentle groan of his own.

Ally felt him release inside her, filling her with a warm rush. Ryan kissed her hard again before falling back down onto the couch "Shit" he exhaled with a mischievous smile. Ally moved off Ryan and laid beside him for a few moments, before Ryan leant up on his elbow kissed Ally's nose and stood up "I'm going in he shower, you coming?" Ally bit her lip and giggled as she took the hand Ryan had extended and followed him towards the bathroom.


The four men stood satisfied in the room that now resembled a bomb site. What had once been a state of the art recording studio, full of top of the range equipment was now nothing more than a wreckage of broken glass, plastic, wood and fibres.

"So what's next?" A man smiled callously at what looked to be the biggest of the four.

"What do you think?" His grin was as equally callous "The boss wants us to make her pay"


Ally's eyes flickered open slowly, for the first time in years she felt happy with what she was waking up to. Being in Ryan's bed reminded her quickly about what had happened the night before "Morning beautiful" Ryan's voice made Ally jump a little, but that soon subsided as he looped his arm around her waist.


"So this has been going on for years?" Eddie asked as he parked up in the car park. Zach had been expanding to the guys what he knew about Ally and Ryan.

"Two years, yeah" Zach replied and Brent's eyes widened.

"How did we not pick up on it? I mean she is...she works with us everyday" Drew stuttered trying to make sense of it all "I mean she's pregnant right? So it's obviously serious" the guys got out of the car and headed towards the elevator.

"I never thought out of all of us that Ryan would be the one to get involved in something like this" Eddie sighed "She's married"

"You said he beats her" Drew interrupted. Zach nodded.

"Yeah and I'm pretty sure he hasn't stopped there" Zach pressed the button for the 5th floor.

"What do you mean?" Brent looked up.

"I mean I wouldn't be surprised if he hasn' know..." Zach pushed, even though they guys knew what he meant. None of them wanted to entertain the idea "and the mugging..."

"Shit that was him?" Brent replied quickly "She was really beat up...hang on when James came to see her at work Ryan lost his cool over something...shit no wonder he was pissed"

"Yeah but a fling with a married woman, that's just not Ryan" Drew announced out of nowhere.

"It's been going on for more than two years remember, and when I spoke to him last night...well I think it's safe to say it's alot more than a fling...he loves her...They love eachother" Zach explained his theory "There is alot more than we know and Ryan has promised to tell us all when he meets us later"

As the doors to the elevator pinged open all the guys gasped "What the fuck...?" Brent got our first and assessed the damage. The rest of the guys followed him out...


Ally had been very quiet on the car ride to the studio "You okay babe?" Ryan picked up her hand in his and held it on his lap, while he steered the car with the other hand.

"It's too quiet" Ally sighed, she noticed Ryan glance at her "He's taken it too well...I can't help thinking he's plotting something"

Ryan's cellphone vibrated on the back seat, Ally reached for it "It's Zach"

"Leave it, we'll be seeing him in a minute" Ryan threw the phone onto the back seat and turned into the carpark "I know you're scared, but I promise he can't hurt you anymore" Ally half smiled as Ryan parked in his usual spot. He got out of the car and made his way round to Ally's side of the car "My lady" he smirked as he helped her out.

"You geek" she chuckled as she reached back and grabbed Ryan's phone. The couple walked towards the elevator hand in hand, Ally felt her hand being ripped away from Ryan's as something came at him from behind "RYAN!!" she screamed as she watched a gang of four guys laying heavily into him.

Ally didn't have time to react when she felt a similar blow to the side of her cheek, the blow was enough to knock her to the ground.

Ally found herself curled up tightly in a ball as she tried desperately to protect her baby from the repetitive kicks to her stomach, she could barely see in front of her when the men finally left. She could feel a cold puddle surrounding her and the pain was so intense she could barely breathe, but something in the distance drove her to stay awake. She spotted Ryan's phone, as she reached her hand out she felt another wet puddle grabbing the phone in her shaking hand she flicked the missed calls menu and dialled Zach's number "Hello" Zach answered and Ally struggled to speak "Hello, RYAN"

"Car Park" Ally managed barely in a whisper "Help him please" she added before feeling a hand around her leg, she let out a forced squeal as she felt her body being dragged across the concrete. She looked up and saw a dark figure standing over her and then a flicker of light. Thats when she spotted it, a silver 4 inch knife blade "No please" Ally pleaded as the man bent down, she felt the fabric around her torso lift and then a sharp burning pain as the knife pierced her skin. Enough to cause brutal pain but not enough for a fatal was at this moment Ally realised this mans intention wasn't to kill her, he wanted to scar her. Ally let out another scream as the blade dragged through the skin on her stomach. She felt the warm blood trickling away from the wound as he continued to cut, her eyes felt heavy and a sickness took over her...

Then everything went black...


Hey guys :)

The song I have chosen for this chapter is one that I listened to whilst writing it.

I kind of imagine if this story was a TV show, then it would play during Ryan and Ally's love scene and the scene where the studio is being smashed up? Hope you all like it :)

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