Chapter Five

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Ally sat at the table opposite her dad, she wasn't sure why he had come round but figured it must be important "Honey there's something we need to talk about" John exhaled as he looked at Ally. He could see the feed bruise on her eye and the ones around her arms.

"What?" Ally wondered what could be so urgent that her dad would call around unannounced.

"My boss needs a bit more time on this case" John voice was wary.

"How much longer?" Ally sat up and paid attention "dad?" She grew anxious when he didn't answer straight away.

"Another 12 months..." Ally gasped at her father cruel suggestion.

"What no" she cried "Dad I..."

"He says that James is a much bigger part of this organisation than he first anticipated and he needs more time to build a bigger case" Ally got angry as her dad explained.

"No, I won't do it. I can't Dad I've met somebody and he loves me and I love him. I won't live my life like this anymore...I can't do it" Ally protested, but it was hopeless.

"Ally you don't have choice" John put his hand on her arm "Baby if you walk away from this now and James gets let off then he will come after you, he'll come after you and everyone else you love. The only way you can be safe now is if you follow this through to the end"

"Not to mention your promotion" Ally snapped and her dad frowned "You can't forget about that"

"No Ally" John tried to argue back.

"Dad you let me marry a monster just so you could have a bigger office" Ally yelled.

"That isn't fair"

"No what isn't fair is you going home at night to a safe warm house, while I go home not knowing what the hell will happen to me" Ally stood up "You don't even check in on me anymore"

"Honey it's difficult" Her dad frowned and Ally rolled her eyes.

"Do you know what? Save it I'm not interested anymore, you did what you had to to get what you wanted. I'm just collateral damage" Ally stood up from the table and paced the kitchen floor.

"It wasn't like that" Her dad argued "Ally what you did...I couldn't protect you, you will go to jail for a very long time if you don't co-operate. I'm not doing this for me, damn it" John slammed his fist down on the table and Ally jumped a mile. He quickly stood up and tried to hug her.

"No Dad" she cried "Stay away from me" Ally used all her strength to push her dad away from her.

"Ally please" John tried again, but Ally resisted "Ally"

"SHE SAID NO" James' voice echoed from the hallway as his footsteps bellowed toward them. James pushed John away from Ally instantly "Get out now" he warned, John didn't argue he just grabbed his jacket and left quietly.

Feeling James' arms around her was enough to turn Ally's stomach, she didn't resist him though, she knew she had to play along. Her body was trembling as he touch her, his hands against her skin "Are you okay?" He asked "You're shaking" he brushed Ally's cheek with his fingers, which caused her to jump back.

"Hey baby it's okay, he's gone now" James tried to calm Ally, his tone was soft and gentle "I won't let anyone ever hurt you, you know that right?" Ally just stared, is this guy for real? She thought to herself. Seeing him like this was hard for Ally, it's times like this she found it hard to believe just how cruel and sadistic he could be.

The more Ally looked at him the more her heart raced, she felt sick. But even more, she felt ashamed of what she let him do to her, all the things he had done to her. Ally didn't speak, she wasn't sure what to say.

"Ally what are you doing?" James was confused as he watched Ally turn around and walk out of the kitchen "Baby stop" James grabbed Ally's arm and pulled her back to him.

"NO" Ally cried out in some sort of fury, something inside her had finally snapped "DON'T YOU FUCKING TOUCH ME"

"Ally" James seemed confused.
"What you did to me last night was unforgivable" Ally found courage in the thought of Ryan.

"What?" James was shocked Ally was saying these things "I didn't do anything?"

"You forced me to do something I didn't want to" Ally snapped "I said no and you made me do it anyway"

James couldn't bare to hear the things she was saying to him, he needed to silence her so he did the only thing he knew how, he lashed out and struck Ally across the face causing her to stagger backwards "You are my wife" he yelled furious. He couldn't believe she was saying such vulgar thing.

"That doesn't give you a free pass" Ally shouted and James lashed out again this time knocking her to the ground, he leant down over her and grabbed her hair, pulling her onto her knees.

"You are my wife and I will take what I want, when I want..." he whispered callously in her ear before throwing her down. Ally sat up, she realised her wrist was either twisted or sprained ad she put weight on it to stand "OW" she cried.

James had gone into the lounge so Ally headed straight for the bedroom and sat herself down on the bed, she pulled her cell phone out of her back pocket and typed a message to Ryan 'I need to see you, meet me at work I an hour A xx' she hit send and then waited for his reply. He replied almost instantly agreeing to meet her.

Ally rubbed the skin around her wrist hoping the sting would go away soon, she looked into the mirror and saw the light purple bruise appearing under her eye. Taking her makeup bag off the side with her good hand she quickly applied a light coat of foundation to cover the bruise.


Ryan wasn't sure why Ally wanted to meet him, but he didn't really care. He knew she obviously needed him and he was determined to be there for her, it had been almost an hour since her text when Ryan heard footsteps coming towards the studio doors. Everyone else had gone home so it was just the two of them, Ryan watched curiously as Ally walked through the door. He instantly noticed the new bruise on her face, Ally had obviously tried to cover up with make up.

Ryan rushed towards Ally and pulled her towards him, he jumped away quickly as she winced. She was holding her wrist "Shit Ally" Ryan frowned as he saw how swollen it was "Did James do this?" Ryan already knew the answer, but hoped he was wrong. Ally nodded and Ryan's jaw clenched "So what he's breaking fucking bones now?" Ryan snapped angrily "Ally you need to get that checked out" Ryan pleaded and to his surprise she agreed.

"Yeah, I think you're right. It feels broken" Ally looked up at Ryan "Help me get away from him Ryan, I can't do this anymore" She sniffed and Ryan pulled her towards him gently.

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