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"What is it?" Asked Topanga as Riley stared off during dinner.
"I saw Maya Hart today."
"Really?" Asked Topanga, happily. "You know, I've never understood what happened with you two."
"Are you her teacher?" She asked turning to her father.
"Yes, she's in my fifth period honors class."
"Honors?" Asked Topanga.
"Great student." He added, amused at Riley's new interests in her old friend.
"I knew she had it in her." Said Topanga.
"What's she like?"
"You really never see her?"
"She's still Maya. She has different friends and has her priorates but she's the same girl."
"Is she happy?"
"I always ask her that."
"She's a very good actor. If she hadn't been your friend before, I never would have suspected anything."
"So there is something wrong."
"Why don't you find out?"
"Fine. I will."
"One more question. Why didn't you mention her before?"
"Because you didn't seem to care."
"She's my best friend!"
"She was."
"She will be."
"Good luck." He said, chuckling and taking a bite of his salad.
After dinner, Maya texted Lucas and Farkle to meet up and go to Mayas place. When they got to Mayas place, they knocked on the door.
"Oh, wow, hi. Look how you've grown."
"Hi, Ms. Hart, is Maya home?" Said Katy.
"I'm sorry, Maya doesn't live here anymore."
"Why?" Asked Riley.
"She just didn't want to."
"Where is she?"
"She lives with Abby, John, Andrew, Olivia and Mark."
"Where is that?"
"You guys don't keep in touch, do you?"
"No it's been a few y-"
"Katy!" Yelled a masculine voice.
"Sorry kids, I've gotta finish dinner." She said, closing the door quickly and hearing yelling.
"What the hell are you doing here?" They turned around to see Maya wearing blue skinny jeans, a black t-shirt and navy blue cardigan that went down to her knees, a common thing she wore to keep her arms covered but adapt to the weather, not that they would know that, combat boots, a small necklace, and a black beanie with her long blond hair straightened. She had grown her hair out over the previous two years and now it was hard to look at her and not notice her hair, reaching her lower back and hips.
She heard a yell from inside.
"Shit." She muttered to herself, beginning to pace the hallway.
"What's wrong?" Asked Lucas.
"Just leave." She said, grabbing a key and opening the door, slipping through the crack.
"Well that was odd."said Farkle.
"Do you think theres something going on with her family."
"Her dad left h-"
"Not that. I mean right now."
"I don't know. I don't hear anymore yells." Said Farkle.
"You guys have to get home. I think that I'm just going to wait for her right here. She had to leave at some point." Said Riley.
"I'll join you."
"Lucas, you have a curfew and your mom is going to kill you because you didn't tell her by eight that you were sleeping over anyones house or some other excuse."
"Fine. Please tell me how she is."
"I will. I promise."

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