Chapter one

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"Mom just because you like to read doesn't mean I do to. So please stop dragging me here."

I muffle my laugh as I eavesdrop on a teen and his mom across the store. Especially that it's my future Alpha and his mom. I pile my arms up high with books. The money from my mom this morning is burning a hole in my pocket.

Turning eighteen has its perks especially being the betas daughter. I already have a motorcycle. My sixteenth birthday present so my parents gave me money.

I set down my books to get my wallet out of my backpack. Darn I hope all of the books will fit.

Of course they will Quinn. Jamie my wolf says.

She's right. I hope. I shoulder my backpack on and pick up the books. Hale and his moms conversation lost. It was getting boring anyway.

I sigh and adjust the books so I can see over them. Well at least a little bit. Making my way from the back of the store to the front proved difficult. Especially when I run into someone . And I mean literally run in to him.

I make an offf sound as I hit someone. My books topple all over and my glasses fall of as I hit the ground. I hear a similar sound from the other person. And that's when the most amazing smell hits my noes. The smell of cedar and smoke.

I scramble to find my glasses confused by the scent. I touch someone's hand and sparks travel up my arm.

Mate! Jamie screams.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't see you and now I definitely can't see you." I say as I scramble for my glasses. "Oh god I'm babbling."

A deep chuckle erupts from the man. "It's okay I didn't see you either and now I still can't as well." Came his voice.

No. The voice of my future Alpha. He's my mate.

"Mom? Can you come help we can't find our glasses." He called out.

I suddenly feel self conscious in my book shirt that say your never alone when you have books. I hear someone walk over to where we're on the ground.

"Of course honey." Came his moms voice. I feel someone put my glasses in my hand. Wiping them of I put them on.

"Thanks." I say as I start to stack my books.

"No problem Quinn. Tell your parents I said hi." She says and walks away.

"Here." I look up to see Hales hand with my wallet.

"Thanks." I say and grab it not looking him in the face.

I pick up my books and stand up. I feel him get up next to me. I look at him and see the most amazing green eyes ever. His black hair styled perfectly. While I probably have wind blown long orange hair. I blush and move to walk past him to the counter. He grabs my arm.

"See you at your party, mate." He whispers into my ear.

He lets go and walks away. I catch my startled light blue eyes in the mirror on the way to the register. When I get up there my best friend Morigan waves me to her register.

"Dude you literally ran into Hale." She says and snickers as she rings me up.

"Yea and now this is how he'll remember me. The girl that ran into him at Barns and Nobel." I say with a sigh.

"Well it's not like he's your mate so." She says as she rings her employe discount. "80:56 is your total."

I hand over a hundred and say. "You might want to rethink that."

"What the price? Girl I'm giving you a discount."

"No not the prices Morigan. The comment before that."

She stops bagging my books and stares at me. "Holly bleep. Are you serious!"

"Yes now can I have my books and change so I can leave I have to go home to get my moms car to go to the mall."

"Changing your style?"

"Trust me I'm as tired of this look as you are."

She squeals and hands me my bag and change.

"You seriously weren't eavesdropping? Like you always do?" I ask.

"Cross my heart." She says with a genuine smile.

"I'm scared for you."

"Darling aren't we all?"

Chuckling I put the change in my wallet and walk out the door. I walk to my motorcycle and sit down on the curb in front of it.

In one fluid motion I take the backpack off my back. Unzipping it I drop in my wallet. Taking the books out of the bag one by one I stuff them in.

I put the last one in and barley get the zipper to zip. I stand up and lug the pack over my shoulders. Grabbing the helmet of the handle I put it on. I straddle the bike and fire it up. Kicking up the kickstand I drive off.


I bang open the front door alerting everyone to my presence. Not bothering to shut it behind me I strut up the stairs and into my room. I dump all of my books on my bed. I paw through them happily. I run down the stairs into the foyer.

"Hi honey get everything you needed." Asked my mom.

"Yep.  Can I borrow your car to go to the mall?" I ask as I walk into the kitchen.

"Yea but be sure to make sure your home in enough time to get ready." She says and tosses me the keys.

I look at them expecting to see my moms vans keys but I see keys I've never seen before.

"Mom these aren't your keys. And I have never seen them before." I say.

"Of course you haven't honey. They're your keys."

"You didn't!"

"No I didn't but your father did. Now have fun darling."

"Thank you dad!" I yell up the stairs before I booked it out the house.

Sitting in the garage is a black 1967 Chevy Impala. I click the unlock button and the car responds. I scream and run over to it.

If only Sam and Dean were real they would be proud. They would also be wondering why a werewolf was driving their baby.

I open the garage door and open the car door. I sit down and turn the key in the ignition. I look at the radio and see that I can plug in my phone. And I do just that.

When you have a 67 black Impala you have to play Carry On My Wayward Son. Cranking it up I put on my shades and pull out of the garage. This is gonna be one heak of a birthday.


Sup humans. Hope you like my first chapter. If your reading this and are reading one of my other books I'm sorry I haven't been updating I'm at a writers block on them and my hi is are flowing for this one.

I'll try to update soon. If not please don't get mad. School is a lot right now and I have a small break. I can't wait for summer.

Please stick around and trust me it gets better. I'm probably a bad writer but whatever. If you continue to read this is why I write so cutos to those who read my stories from cover to cover.

Till next chapter. I'll try to post it by the weekend. I can't promise anything though. 🤓

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