"Hey, Y/n, we gotta go scout around in Rain Dinners, we'll see you later."

Paula and a few others walked from the room and you nodded them off, standing yourself.

"Hey, don't look so put off y/n."

You looked to Mr. 3, sitting beside a auburn coffee table.

"What do you mean?"
"You look so put down, what's wrong with you?"
"Well....I mean..."

Galdino put a hand up and pat the leather seat beside him.


You walked over, sitting down and leaning onto the arm rest of the chair.

"Don't you have anything more important to do than talk to me?"

He shook his head.

"No, I don't actually, so tell me what's wrong with you."

You sigh, pressing yourself to tell him.

"Well, its just...ever since I've been Zero's secretary he's just ignored me. Before, when I'd come back from missions, he'd pat me on the head and give me a knowing side-smile, now he just..."

You pause and sigh, why had this gotten to you? You weren't very affectionate yourself, you liked the occasional cuddle or so, but why were you getting upset over your boss?

"Now what?"

"He just ignores me, he keeps his words to a minimum, he'll only nod and grunt when I give him paperwork."

Galdino gave a knowing nod, a small smile playing at his lips.

"Ah, alright I see now."

You look up at him.

"Do you...do you think I've annoyed him some way? Do you think he's lost interest in me as a worker? Is he going to fire me!?"

You knew what firing meant; you weren't allowed to leave. Ever. He'd kill you.

"Y/n don't act so suddenly, alright? If he wanted to...'let you go' he would've done it a long time ago."

That was true, if he wanted someone gone, he didn't wait.

"Galdino, I just...I don't know.."

He pat you on the back, standing.

"Don't worry, but worry about this; it seems he has lost interest in you as a worker.."
With that he left you to ponder over the discreet conversation; which had left your mind rather numb.

You left the room without questioning, making a b line to your office and locking the door, flicking through a large stack of signed documents.

Should you go talk to him about it? You didn't want to disturb him, you didn't want to get in his way.

There was a knock on your door.

"Y/n, open the door."

You heard Crocodiles voice from the other side of the door and bolted to unlock it, opening it with a shaky smile.
"H-hey boss, I wasn't expecting you to come over here today."

You passed a glance around your slightly messy office; a few pencils fallen on the floor and your jacket thrown to the little sofa on the far wall, along with your bag.


That was the only reply you got as he sat down in the little leather chair in front of your desk.

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