Chapter One

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IMPORTANT AUTHOR NOTE: Please note this is a SasukeXHinata story so if this isn't your thing your time to leave is now, Padawan.

{Keep in mind Hinata and a few other characters are majorly ooc in this fic for plot reasons}

{Word Count~ 2,128 *without A/N}

Edited ~ 1/19/2018


What had happened was honestly expected from Naruto. After a short lived, yet long awaited, relationship with Hinata he ran straight back to Sakura. His reasoning?

  He just simply couldn't hurt his best friend the way he did. 

So, naturally, being sick of constantly having their relationship pitted against the past transgressions of his once in love best-friends, she opened the door for Naruto and allowed him to go, no strings attached. There was no point in holding onto someone whom already had one foot outside of the door. She wasn't tired of trying or anything of that nature, but there was only so much that could be done in a one sided relationship. Clearly he was ready to go.

Her new single relationship status brought about new concerns, however, with her future stakes in the Hyuga Clan. Her separation from Naruto meant that her original betrothal to her cousin, Neji, would resume. Her father had already insisted that, as the eldest sister, she step forward and assume the position of his successor. Hinata had never wanted to lead her clan and she certainly never wished to marry Neji.

Neji was madly in love with TenTen. Unless Hinata managed to give up her future position as head of the clan, Neji wouldn't even have a chance to marry Tenten. She'd spoken to TenTen about it many, many times and it had always ended with Tenten crying her heart out on Hinata's shoulder. Out of respect for Tenten, one of her very good friends, how could she even fathom marrying the man she so deeply cared for? Watching her break to cry every time Neji was even mentioned in her presence killed Hinata.

 It was in one of those moments she decided that there was no way Hiashi could even force her to marry Neji. The head would fall to Hanabi, naturally, if one of their other cousins didn't swoop in and take it before she aged appropriately. That was what Hiashi feared the most, losing control of the clan's seat.

Once Hinata had refused to marry Neji her father became so desperate that he resorted to threats, "As long as you reside in my house, and you are unwed, I can do whatever I please with you! I could sell you for cattle if I so desired and I say you will marry Neji!"

"I will not. I will marry a man that I fall in love with, whether he be from this clan or not. "

"You believe you are marrying for love? That is selfish of you. I raised you with more grace and love for your people. You're marrying to preserve the head of this family and to secure our future as Hyuga. We do not care about love. " Hinata inhaled deeply and relaxed herself in his presence. "I am sorry that you feel that way, I disagree. You will have to count on Hanabi to carry on the family if that is how you wish to see it. No matter what you say, I am not property and I refuse to take part in this narrow minded tradition. I will marry whomever I choose, a man of my own liking."

"You heard me, Hinata. I'm finished with this conversation. Leave me." Hinata bowed before walking back to her room and sitting on the small bed mat next to the window.

It wasn't selfish to desire a better lifestyle. One filled with positivity and love. It wasn't selfish to want to see her cousin happy with her best friend. It wasn't selfish to refuse to be treated like a branded steer. She exhaled sharply and began the process of clearing her mind. The less negative energy she allowed to penetrate her subconscious, obviously, the better she felt. She did her best thinking when she was calm, relaxed, and full of positive energy. In doing just that she had somehow come to the decision that she would pack what she could and leave under the cover of night. She would tell no one, wait until everyone was asleep, slip out of her window, and make her way into the forest behind the Hyuga compound. From there, she would follow the stream to the next town and swap her clothes at one of the shops. She'd originally planned to save her money for a wedding dress, but not if her husband was Neji.

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